Main Street Pet store closed (next to BG Bakery), does anyone know where they went or what will be going in there now?
Pam S. replied:
It doesn't matter we don't need Pot Stores in Battle Ground...there's enough drug problems here....
Pam S. replied:
Pot leads to meth...they want something stronger so they move on to pot and yes I have researched it and yes My husband is retired from Law Enforcement...Yes I have seen someone overdose from meth and almost die....
Eileen S. replied:
thanks for the quick answer Matt Stillman, sorry about how it was handled but glad your still around.
Matt S. replied:
We are not closed, simply have changed to home delivery. You can place orders via (Or phone 360.521.8826, or email ) They sold the building and we got booted, a weed shop is going in there.
Shawna O. replied:
they have delivery only now. go to the website