Anyone have a recommendation for a good heating and cooling contractor locally owned in the Bedford/Bloomington area? We already got a quote from Lowes to see what they...
David G. replied:
Charlie Meadows - Meadows Heating and Air276-1272 or 797-3068... I have had Charlie do both replacement and AC service... always a great price and work done right
Mae C. replied:
Bailey Heating & air
Brett C. replied:
Bates Mechanical is really good.
Janice F. replied:
I agree with Mae! Brock Bailey! He is a wonderful man! He is in Mitchell! Good Luck!
Larry L. replied:
Bates Mechanical Bloomington.
Debby R. replied:
Tom Rollins
Anthony E. replied:
Keller Heating and Cooling in Bloomington - absolutely!
Terri A. replied:
Yes Bells Heating and Cooling in Bloomington..Awesome guys
Recommendations for some Mason work Like the title says, I am looking from someone to do some tuck pointing in my basement. It will be (mostly) indoor work. I have had...
Dieselfred replied:
Have you tried Handy Masonry?
ctf9 replied:
I don't have any names, though you could ask somewhere like Bloomington Restorations for recs on people who work on old houses. But one way to gauge whether they're any good is to ask them about the kind of mortar they use. If you google "limestone + spalling" you'll see that a lot of people just use modern, harder mortar with old bricks or soft limestone. And that can cause real problems because the older stone is much softer than what people use today. I'm just a DIYer (I bought the mortar for my house here: so take what I say with a grain of salt. But I would at least ask any contractors what they think about this issue and what kind of mortar they plan to use.
Ok, I have one plumber, one contractor to fix leak in floor,,,now termites, Need someone dependable, right price and is proud of the work he does as he take his final...
Needing advice/opinions/ideas on a renovation project... Any builders/contractors do consults..? Cant promise them the job, but would be willing to pay a consult fee and...