Does anyone know of a good bakery in Cambridge / Somerville area? I need to place an order for Halloween themed cupcakes for school. Thanks!
Steve D. replied:
Trendy Cupcake Mart in East Somerville
Leslie S. replied:
Patsy's Pastry Shop in East Somerville is also very good!
Linda B. replied:
Lynn dell's is closed. Veggie Galaxy in central sq is amazing
Annie K. replied:
Sweet Cupcakes on Mass Ave in Harvard! They have a realyl cute selection of Halloween cupcakes! They're a tad pricey, but they're SO GOOD!
Steve D. replied:
Also, The Cupcakery in Union. They have the best ham and Brie cupcakes.
OK,lets go way back,what is the name of hardware store(open 7 days a week)in the 1952 area?It was across the street from the BHS foot ball field on Cambridge St!!Also my...
Carl G. replied:
Russ was a Peterson and safety officer. Easy going guy. Not sure if he was related to Oscar. Oscar's son worked at Ducetts. Another of those tragic stories. Fell asleep behind the wheel across from Ducetts late one night and was killed. Remembered him as good kid. RSP Don. Oscar worked most police details for the 128 Drive In. (then located across from Way Side Rd)
Tim M. replied:
Oscar Carlberg policeman OLD man Murray was the Chief then Carlberg became chief
Carl G. replied:
Oscar Peterson. Carlberg was also a one of the first cops.
Tim M. replied:
There were two Burlington Cops brothers named Peterson,,they have passed .Carlberg was Eric dad he been gone 40 or better years,,,Doucettes was a family store
Tim M. replied:
Paul L DeBye will figure it out !
Bob P. replied:
Oscar Peterson was my Uncle, and Russell was my cousin, small world it's nice to see someone remembered them.
In search of a particular product near Davis: I want to make my own fortune cookies with tubular cookies and chocolate at the ends. I used to be able to buy the tubular...