I'm looking for some referrals for contractors (remodel), plumbers, electricians (right now I need an electrical wire dealt with for a tree that needs to come out and...
Terri P. replied:
John Petersen (no relation) has done great tree work for us...518-0924.
Anita G. replied:
Steve Badiali remodeled my kitchen, bathroom, roof and porch. He's AMAZING! number is 530-828-8075.
Janice W. replied:
My son in law, Rick Schlager, owns Schlager Property Services. He is awesome, dependable, and priced fairly. Contact my daughter, Jayme Lynn Schlager if you're interested.:)
Jayme S. replied:
Schlager Property Services:)
Bill B. replied:
If you want an additional tree rec, try About Trees. They're honest, cheap (that's always relative, but certainly very reasonable) and artists when it comes to leaving your well trimmed trees looking like they weren't slaughtered in the process. Good people. 343-4533.
Sally P. replied:
Greg Higgins for tree removal and trimming. He's VERY reasonable and nice to work with. I've used him for two tree removals. 519-1715 I highly recommend him.
Lani L. replied:
Our friend Bruce M Jones will be doing our house rewire in the not too distant future. I was also given the name of Steve Lawler for electrical. Lawler Electric is his business and you will probably find his # online. He comes highly recommended.
anybody know of a plumber or plumbing service here in Chico that isnt too pricey, my garbage disposal is stinking the house up and needs to be cleaned out, or is this...
Trevor S. replied:
Bobby Quiring is your brother looking for work
John-Maegon C. replied:
https://www.plumbingsupply.com/garbage-disposal-care.html , and brushes can be found here https://www.plumbingsupply.com/disposer.html#disposerbrush
John-Maegon C. replied:
Information of how to clean the p-trap can be found here https://www.plumbingsupply.com/troubleshooting-your...
Just wondering.....do any of you have a name and number of a plumber or handyman that is reasonable? Our toilet needs a new overflow unit installed.....and we only have...