Best CPA to file tax return I'm looking for recommendations of CPA to file my individual tax return. Any recommendations in the area? I prefer to not go with one of the...
Jamianb replied:
I used Licari and Larsen last year and plan to continue using them. Reasonably priced. I guess one question to ask is whether you really need a CPA or whether to can easily do your own taxes for free through the IRS website?
gsasquatch replied:
We used wipfli a few years ago in a crisis of confidence because our situation was getting increasingly complex. They didn't find anything the tax software didn't. On one item we disagreed, and went with how we thought we should do it instead of their recommendation, and in the long term that's been an advantage.
Hard part of doing taxes is really gathering all the stuff which you have to do for a CPA too and if you've already got it together to hand off to a guy, you might as well just put it in a machine.
If there was justice in the world, the IRS would send you what they have, and what they think should be on the form instead of having you try to find an answer to and prove a number they already have with information they already have. By default you would just go with their number, unless you could prove otherwise with documentation they don't have. The IRS work for us, they should work with us instead of being adversarial.
The big chains and tax software solve a problem they created and perpetuate for $50/head for every taxpayer above $50k, which is enormous money for them, easily enough to buy legislation.
As an individual taxpayer though, the software is the best bet, so it makes it hard to boycott. You can still write a letter to your legislators state and federal to get it changed though, it really has to start with them, but it's not as hot an issue as it should be.
You're paying a CPA locally to talk to a CPA you're paying on the state and federal side, and that just seems silly, like if I paid a translator to translate this post into French so you could pay a translator to translate it back to English.