Looking for a triangle psychiatrist that sees patients after 630 PM or on weekends. Due to an inflexible work schedule I need to find a psychiatrist that sees patients...
Plantbitch replied:
I know it's not what you asked but Gupta Psychiatry opens as early as 7:30 if you were able to go early
petsarecool replied:
http://triangleneuropsych.com/ are open until 7 PM on Monday's if that helps.
castillar replied:
Check Carolina Partners in Mental Health: they've got a couple locations around and some psychiatrists and psychologists that do evening and weekend hours.
I'm looking for a psychiatrist in the Durham area. I'm from Michigan and will be attending UNH so I need someone out there. Can anyone recommend someone?
Ellen S. replied:
I'm the LGBTQA Coordinator at the UNH Office of Multicultural Student Affairs. Let's talk via PM.
Fuck this shit. I've been miserable on zoloft for the last three weeks and after two days of aggressive sleep deprivation tried to call Carolina Partners in Mental...