hey everyone in the Loveland area... I need referrals for professional carpet cleaning people... number one I want them to do an EXCELLENT job and number two be as...
Amanda L. replied:
We just got our carpet cleaned last week by someone at David's work and they did an amazing job. There were two extremely bad urine stains from before we even moved in plus some new ones from Molly and the cats and he got them out (well, for the most part. One of the urine ones didn't come out all the way but I knew it wouldn't. It was THAT bad). But yeah, it was our living room, the hallway, our closet, and our bedroom with that extra heavy duty stuff for the urine stains and help with moving furniture for $99. I don't know if he has a website, but his email is peaks2 plainsco@yahoo.com
Jennifer A. replied:
Michaels carpet cleaner 6636181, he's a small business him and another guy I've used him for years and does an amazing price and isn't that expensive
Laurie B. replied:
Norris Carpet Cleaning
Kathy D. replied:
Norris Carpet Cleaning, Craig's been a friend for many years
Recommendation for good carpet cleaners? I'm moving. I need to professionally clean my apt carpets, and I've no idea who's good and who's bad.
All advice much...
Anonymous replied:
jackson8896 replied:
My buddy is a manager for Heavens best, I recommend them. They're honest and do a professional job
WuTangChildren replied:
Full House Carpet Cleaning, locally owned and highly rated. The owner Robert is a great guy. He has great rates, is very professional and knowledgeable. I highly recommend this company for residential or commercial cleaning. They also do tile and hard surface cleaning.
Looking for a fabulous carpet cleaner in FoCO? Also, a reputable HVAC team to do our ducts. Thoughts?
Lori R. replied:
My parents always used ZeroRez for carpet: http://www.zerorez.com/
Lori R. replied:
My Dad and another friend of mine swear by The Good Guys for all of their plumbing/heating/air issues...they are good/reliable: http://www.goodguysservice.com/
Debbie B. replied:
Carpet Master Onwer-Randie Bell
Melinda B. replied:
I have had great results using Dynamic Floor Company. Small husband-wife team but they are awesome...and I have had some major pet stains over the years. They are awesome, and so professional! Kevin is now in my contacts list since I schedule cleaning twice a year.
Does anyone have a good carpet cleaner I could borrow? (Gotta love puppies...)
Dana D. replied:
LOL!!! I think Remi is talking about "Simple Green". When Remi was little he (and Leighton) used permanent markers to create a road (racetrack ?) on their white bedroom carpet. I was livid. Anyway I used this product in the carpet cleaning machine. After repeatedly shampooing the carpet it got the permanent marker out of the carpet. It saved us from having to buy new carpet. http://industrial.simplegreen.com/ind_products_family.php Another carpet cleaning product I love which is great for cleaning carpet spots is SPOT SHOT. I have used this on VERY old stains that the boys made which I didn't discover until months later. http://www.spotshot.com/ Good luck with your carpet cleaning...
Anyone in Fort Collins know a good appraiser? Inspector? Carpet cleaning service? LOL (just in case) ;)
Hillary M. replied:
Use Heaven Scent for carpet cleaning. We've used him for the past 8 years. He's a little strange but thorough and affordable!
Claudia M. replied:
Federal Mortgage laws prevail - it iisn't up to a private lender, either, unless you are getting it from the seller doing financing or a friend with deep pockets..then no appraisal required...so, not using the CRA mortgage? interesting....hope it works out....