Orange County Rescue friends - I have a good friend with family who live in Garden Grove. They have a white lab who has developed a recurring skin condition and...
Michele K. replied:
My vet's dad is also a vet. He's somewhere in OC., but I'm not sure where. You can call my vet and ask her. Karen Kelly -cell #- 310-804-6447 Agree with Jacqui-- rule of thumb-- no corn, no wheat, no soy, no by-products. Some dogs are allergic to poultry. We need to remember too, that if an animal is super-sensitive, whatever the animal the food is made out of ate can affect the dog / cat. It probably is a sensitivity to some food or something environmental. Does your friend use lots of chemical cleaning products in her house? Does she use a lot of things with fragrance in them? Does she use Febreeze (poison) in her house? Anything with pine in it, i.e. pinesol, is toxic and can be deadly. Household products can cause all kinds of problems. Does your friend wash the dog's bed cover often? Perhaps it's the laundry products she's using. The thing is, just testing for allergies using blood work or conventional testing isn't enough for diagnosis. Allergy testing can come back negative, but an individual, human or otherwise, can be sensitive to something and react in numerous ways. I know this because it's my own experience. I react to a bazillion different things, but the allergy tests are all negative. Hope your friend finds the right vet and her Labbie feels better quickly. This especially touches me because my sweet Sasha was a white Labbie. She lived to almost 16.
Shin P. replied:
Primary Care Animal Hospital First visit is free Open on Sundays
Natalie S. replied:
This is where we take quite a few surgery dogs from OC, rescue friendly
Natalie S. replied:
Also check this out:
Have to get these 2 little female rescue kitties fixed. Can anyone recommend a trustable and affordable vet clinic to get this done
Karl F. replied:
H.b. Vet hosp. Utica ave just off beach 714 536 7591. Tell them I sent you, probably a discount.
Linda L. replied:
Hamilton Animal Hospital on Brookhurst and Hamilton.
Linda F. replied:
Beach Blvd. Pet Hospital on Beach, across from Target. They have clinic days...the doctors are wonderful!
Hilary S. replied:
Animal Medical Center is great and so is Family Animal Hosp in Costa Mesa. Both are low cost.
Amber K. replied:
Golden State humane society in garden grove, 40$ and 20$ for microchip.
Steffany H. replied:
Garden Grove Dog & Cat Hospital.... Bit of a drive but the doctors are worth it! It's walk-in so no apt. I've been using them for 15 years.... Neutered all 4 of my Aussies (dogs) and at some point have treated all 7 of my dogs.. (Sadly were on our second set of Aussies but we had one make it to 17-they helped Him beat Cancer!)
Robert B. replied:
Animal Medical Center 16540 Harbor Blvd. Fountain Valley ca. 714 531-1155. Vey reasonable pricing on spay/neuter.
Pamela J. replied:
Brook Ellis
Kristen K. replied:
AAA Hospital on Newland and PCH.
Stayce D. replied:
Animal Medical 16540 Harbor Fountain Valley 714- 531-1155 Reasonable pricing and great customer service
Hey, can anyone recommend a veterinarian that's good with cats, in or near Huntington Beach?
Rhonda H. replied:
Hamilton Animal Hospital on Brookhurst is a good place.
Katie P. replied:
Seacliff Animal Hospital
Christine M. replied:
Beach Blvd Pet Hospital Dr. Lizardo
Tania M. replied:
Huntington Pet Vet!
Linda G. replied:
Brookfield Pet Hospital
Jeanne P. replied:
We go to Brookfield Pet Hospital for our dogs and Warner Avenue Animal Hospital with the cats. I like both places a lot. Warner Ave has extended hours during the week. Great prices too. Brookfield has more traditional hours. I think overall higher prices too. However we can walk our two Labs there and that’s worth it to me. Both have awesome vets.