Looking for a dermatologist in the Grass Valley / Auburn area. Does anyone have a doc they can recommend?
Andrea H. replied:
I love Dr. Allison McCormick in Auburn (off Professional.) She has a great staff, too. If she isn't taking patients, Dr. Gants is new and may be. She's great too!
Myra V. replied:
Thanks Andrea! I did call Dr. McCormick but she isn't taking new patients.
Has anyone found a dermatologist (or any other doctor they like) who takes California Covered???
Rachel B. replied:
After I posted that questions I heard Mark on Money Matters today on KVMR, and he talked about how he was not able to find a single doctors office in Nevada County that accepted Ca Covered and was still accepting new patients!?! I could not find any dermatologist on Nev Co or Auburn that I could see under my plan. Yikes. Major growing pains for Obama care! ONe of the callers on the radio suggested calling Blue Cross/Anthem to file a complaint, because they need to hear this from multiple people in our area so some changes can be made. If anyone has any hints, let me know!