Hi all, am hoping someone can help point me in the right direction, I'm currently 34wks pregnant and id like to be tested however my midwife or consultant will not do a...
Group (. replied:
Hi Rebecca - the places that offer the ECM (gold standard) test for group B Strep are listed at http://www.gbss.org.uk/test. The NHS hospitals are listed first, then the private ones. Let us know if we can help at all - info@gbss.org.uk or 01444 416176:)
I tested positive for group b strep on a post natal swab, luckily I had a brilliant midwife who told me that I needed to have antibiotics in labour for any future...
Group (. replied:
Group B Strep carriage can come and go over time, as in you might be positive in one pregnancy and not in another. The UK guidelines are based on risk-factors, if you've had a baby previously infected being one of them. However, if you have tested positive as a carrier in this pregnancy then you should absolutely be offered IV antibiotics from the start of labour or waters breaking and then usually 4-hourly until delivery. If you have not been tested or your result was negative, then that explains their answer. Please visit these links for more information on the risk-factors as well as where you can get tested so you know for sure in this pregnancy what further treatment may be needed: http://gbss.org.uk/what-is-gbs/for-pregnant-women/risk-factors-for-gbs-infection/ ........ Testing: http://gbss.org.uk/what-is-gbs/testing-for-gbs/ecm-test-where-how/ ...Hope this helps!
Hi does anyone know the best place to get a private test from as my midwife is still saying I don't need 1 even though I've had gbs in my 3 previous pregnancies thank...
Group (. replied:
Hi Cheryl. Places which offer the ECM test for group B Strep are listed at http://www.gbss.org.uk/test both NHS and private. Current UK guidelines don't describe any situations in which women should be offered testing - see http://www.gbss.org.uk/Pregnant for a summary of what they do say. Hope that helps :)
Hi guys, today I asked my midwife about testing- obviously not as standard on the NHS, but she didn't know anywhere that offers testing.
I don't want to take a swab...
Group (. replied:
You can order a private home ECM test from any of the private labs in this link. When you receive the test pack, you can have your midwife do the swabs for you and then send it back in...we've heard of many women doing this. http://gbss.org.uk/what-is-gbs/testing-for-gbs/ecm-test-where-how/
Hi I am a group be strep carrier I can't remember if the midwife said I need to go to delivery suit as soon as my waters brake or as soon as I get first contraction to...