Anybody know a good criminal lawyer? I never thought I'd have to know a criminal defense lawyer, but there is an outside chance I could need one ... for a friend.
brokethechain replied: Try this site to search for one. It should do the trick.
mozfustril replied:
I have always used Mitch Stone from Stone-Lockett. He has gotten me out of 1 felony, 5 misdemeanors, and 2 traffic tickets (they were lumped in with the other stuff). Not cheap, but worth the money, very up front about cost, and a pretty cool guy to deal with when you're super stressed out. He was a referral who had gotten 2 of my friends out of their legal issues as well. If you think you need a lawyer in advance, you should speak with one right away.
Anonymous replied:
This thread is awesome. /u/MURDER_ME_RACHEL and /u/brokethechain provide criminal defense lawyer suggestions to /u/ObviousTosser. Sounds like they may have some experience in that department.
totes_meta_bot replied:
This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit. - [/r/bestof] [/u/MURDER_ME_RACHEL and /u/brokethechain provide criminal defense lawyer suggestions to /u/ObviousTosser. That's the joke.]( mzhk5/umurder_me_rachel_and_ubrokethechain_provide/) *^If ^you ^follow ^any ^of ^the ^above ^links, ^respect ^the ^rules ^of ^reddit ^and ^don't ^vote ^or ^comment. ^Questions? ^Abuse? [^Message ^me ^here.](*
GertieFlyyyy replied:
I use Jonathan Rowe. He's one slick fucker and has an awesome rapport with the courts.
ObviousTosser replied:
Thanks for the very helpful replies. Now ... should my friend contact one or more of these lawyers on the chance that the police show up with some awkward questions, or should she wait till the need is immediate? and BTW - figures that my one and only /r/bestof would be on a tossaway. Thanks for that.
Anonymous replied:
Matt Shirk. He seems to opening break the law and gets away with it.