I want a psychologist, but Google is being unhelpful. Does anybody know of a way to search for psychologists who deal primarily with Adult Aspergers patients?...
glassjailer replied:
You may find someone from this list who treats adults with AS. http://therapists.psychologytoday.com/rms/prof_results.php?city=Chicago&county=Cook&state=IL&spec=167
Menelly replied:
I hopped on my insurances' site, and then called every psychologist on their list asking if they worked with adult Autistics. I got down to the "V's" before someone said yes. :( But that's how I did it...
Anonymous replied:
I live in Austin and I'm having fits! I found two psychologists, called for an appointment, got voice mail, never heard back. Yeah, could be a backlog. Could be out of town. But I would think someone in that field would have someone checking. What if someone called threatening to commit suicide and the therapist didn't bother listening to that message until two weeks later?
kablarkin replied:
What state do you live in? If in a large state like Texas, what is the area or zip code? (if you don't mind my asking)
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