Can anyone recommend us a financial advisor? We aren't really interested in investing right now...mostly just help in saving up for a house but need advice;)
Rob B. replied:
Kiper-O'Connor Wealth Managemet@502 589 4000
Briana M. replied:
Bob B. replied:
Rachel, contact My Son in Law, he was at your Wedding, he is married to my Daughter Lisa, he is with UBS and my Grandson works there also and is an excellent Financial Advisor. Call me if you need additional info.
Rob B. replied:
Rob B. replied:
Call my brother inlaw Kevin O'Connor and Ryan O'Connor at UBS
The ads about Mitch sure don't describe the Mitch I know. The one in the ad sounds like one great Senator so who the heck has been in DC for 30 years and how did he...