Tree Removal company recommendations for Southeast NH? I have a couple of large trees that are close to the house that I would like removed. Not finding too many online...
Mooseghanistan replied:
You want an arborist to manage this and get the right tree crew... my father-in-law is a retired arborist for National Grid and now freelances in that area.. give him a call:
Nicknamewhat replied:
I pretty sure as a New Hampshire resident your required to own a chain saw.
wod_killa replied:
Nicol Woodworks based out of Dunstable. Used to work for the owner Dave. Great guy, extremely talented with a very, very, very lengthy work history.
UncivilizedPlanet replied:
Stacey's tree service, based out of Salem NH.
cat_morgue replied:
Mayer Tree Service in Essex, MA.
cjcottone replied:
Boutin Tree Removal based in Hudson (603) 321-8768 Did a few full days for me a couple years ago. Daryl, the owner, will climb and take down ANYTHING Highly recommend Had some trouble with Stacey's crew, their chipper broke on site, owner didn't come to fix, and the crew quit/was fired that day. Unless you're hiring a large company (Asplundh or the like) and you need a 100 ft boom bucket, find a contractor that is owner operated.
bronze_mallard replied:
Near Portsmouth here, New England Tree Service - Smaller outfit very professional, known Seth on and off over the years very accommodating, and Orion Tree Service done business a couple times over the years, Jon is great very professional couple trucks, usually fairly busy. Good luck.