I am looking for a math tutor for my 6 year old daughter. Her teacher says she's doing good but mathematics is one of those subjects you can never be too good at. I want...
Kathy H. replied:
Check out the free Khan Academy website! Online tutorials to learn everything from math and science to art history, even test prep for SATs, etc. My MIL told me about awhile back and I'm definitely going to keep it handy for my daughter as she goes through school. She's only 6 now so it's only going to get harder wink emoticon Hope this helps! https://www.khanacademy.org/
Amanda V. replied:
Highly recommend Nancy Richardson Fleek
Vicki Z. replied:
Hi James. It is Vicki Zion. I am the owner, Director, and tutor of Personal Best Educational Services LLC. I would be happy to talk to you about how I can help you & your daughter. You can check out my website: www.personalbesttutoring.com. I specialize in helping those with learning differences and use a multi-sensory method. I teach math, reading, writing, spelling, study skills and more. Please call give me a call. 360-918-4733. I look forward to talking with you. Vicki Zion
James S. replied:
There is no question the cards are stacked against women with a passion for engineering. Society has this "Barbie" mentality that often glass ceilings women in there ability to compete in the workplace. While it wont fix everything education (especially in the engineering world) seems to help level the playing field. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.../gymboree-onesies_n...
Denise H. replied:
I recommend Vicki Zion. My son really liked her when she subbed in his classes.
I am looking for a math tutor for my 1st grader. She has had experience in the kumon style and it really worked well for us. I can do hourly or monthly billing,...
Amanda V. replied:
Nancy Richardson Fleek is great. She is in the Fryelands
Jerry Z. replied:
Personal Best Educational Services also jis able to help. See our FB page or call 360-918-4733. Vicki Zion
I'm looking for a math tutor for my 5th grader, a couple times week, anyone?
Teresa W. replied:
My niece, Grayce Willard, is a high school algebra teacher and a tutor. If she isn't tagged here (new phone) you can either look her up and PM her directly or PM me.:)