Ok peeps, looking for a good Naturopath Doctor (not someone who says they are but actually went to school and has a degree) Recommendations please. Already know about...
Justin B. replied:
Dr. Colby Inzer with pressing matters in eagle is a great Dr. He is a fully licensed naturopathic Dr
Emily H. replied:
I found an Osteopathic doctor that I really like - her first step is always to find a natural remedy through vitamins, supplements, etc but she is fully licensed to prescribe drugs if that's what is needed. She's in Eagle at Rocky Mountain Health & Welness (Dr. House) & there are several CNPs there as well with the same focus.
Tracy M. replied:
Hope she is nothing like the Dr. House on the tv show smile emoticon Thank you Emily for the referal!
Does anybody else notice that Rory does/almost dies in pretty much every episode of Doctor Who?
Abigail P. replied:
I've been watching Dr. Who for forever. Since before David Tenant at least. But I stopped watching for awhile cuz we got rid of cable and then I started watching other shows and getting busy. Just recently started watching the episodes with the new doctor:)
New to Nampa Could some one please recommend a good general doctor that is friendly and will prescribe Valium for anxiety, also a good chiropractor, and a Ear Nose...
Stella C. replied:
south west ent in boise, McKim Chiorpractors in Nampa, GP have no idea
Need some advise from mommies that have had to get tubes in their kiddos ears. I have heard that when kids turn 2 they tend to grow out of ear infections. Jordan gets in...
Holly L. replied:
Nicole- Jordan is the same way. He HATES the medicine they give him. We are going to talk to the ear nose and throat doctor next week and see what they say:)
My ear hurts. Does anybody know any other fixes besides heat, pain killer, and a doctor who I am too poor to go to? Are there any over the counter ear drops or...
I am starting research on getting lasic eye surgery. Have you had it? Would you recommend it? What do I need to look for in a doctor? Can you recommend anyone in the...