Looking for auto body repair shop So luckily I haven't had to deal with finding an auto repair place yet, but there's a first time for everything. Specifically, it...
HWMorgan replied:
I use to deliver parts to a lot of the garages in town, the guys at H. Dow on Main St. or even their Sunoco station on Amherst St. are decent guys, do good and seem relatively quick. Concord St. Motors is another good one. Avoid NTB on D.W.! the staff are a bunch of assholes and they use cheap parts.
SoMuchDerp replied:
K.A.R.S in Milford. Great Guy, Great family and he'll do right by you as far as fixing what needs to be fixed and handing the car back in a timely manner. Get in there before all the knuckleheads start wrecking their cars due to the snow! http://www.kincaidauto.com/
simonsarris replied:
Steve Giles in Hudson was amazing. My family swears by him. 277 Lowell Road Hudson, NH 03051 (603) 882-1510 Unfortunately he got cancer pretty bad a few years ago and I'm not sure if Steve himself is still around:/
Growing up in Nashua, there were quite a few family owned and run automotive shops in Nashua. One of those was Caron's Auto Body Shop. Mr. Caron passed away this past...