Ladies, any recommendations on a great part time preschool program for a 3 year old? Looking for 2-3 hours a day few times a week beginning next fall. Thanks!!!
Anoush M. replied:
Hi Natasha, check out Play&Learn, Russian speaking family daycare at Drumlin rd in newton. My daughter attended it few times a week up until kindergarten. There are 2 owners, you can call Lena at (617) 306-3294. They are really great, nurturing and very flexible with hours.
Marie K. replied:
Auburndale Community Nursery School is fabulous; I can't recommend it highly enough.
Suzanne W. replied:
Parkside Preschool!
Maureen O. replied:
My three kids went to The Children's Cooperative Nursery School in newton center and loved it. It requires parents to volunteer in the classroom and on a committee but I always learned something on my parent help days and the other parents were great. They just built a new natural playground/outdoor classroom that is amazing as well.
Michelle M. replied:
Cannot say enough good things about Auburndale Community Nursery School
Tanya L. replied:
My son goes to Childrens Corner at Newton Wellesley Hospital. We and he love the place. They offer very flexible schedule including only mornings some of the days a week. The spots fill up very fast though
Stephanie D. replied:
Watertown Cooperative Nursery School is a pretty amazing place. My 4 yr old son is thriving there and is in his 2 nd year there.
Natasha B. replied:
Tanya Logvinenko спасибо, это интересно!
Lori S. replied:
Second Church Nursery School. It's the best! Three year old program is five days/week but well worth it. 9:00-12:00.
Tanya L. replied:
Natasha Balonov, the director of Children's Corner is Kyla, (617)243-6510. My son just a few days ago complained to me that he started going there not from 12 mos (the youngest kids they take) but from 2.5 and hadn't been a student in one of the rooms there ;-) Some of the teachers there had been 10,15, and even 30 years. PM me with any questions, will be happy to tell more about this place.
Liz F. replied:
I have 2 preschoolers at Little Red Wagon in Newton Highlands. The teachers are great, rates are reasonable, part time is available, and it's been a great environment for my kids. Check them out.