Looking for a realtor, anyone know any in the DFW area? Pref nearer to Arlington.
Christina G. replied:
We're willing to go as far down as north Mansfield. We currently live in 76017 and like it, but we also like some of the homes in 76018. I've been using realtor.com and ebby.com. We'd like a neighborehood where the avg house hold income is closer to ours, been using neighborehood watch to get an idea of the safest places in Arlington and those are where we're aiming. Not too interested in living in Grand Prarie or North Arlington.
Christina G. replied:
http://www.planete-sciences.org/rhone/IMG/jpg/potager.jpg Just enough room to have a few of these.
Kristina P. replied:
The market tends to do an upswing in December. Many people relocate during the time before school starts back up. However, there is still ample room to negotiate with a good realtor by your side. I have used Keller Williams' site to look at houses and it does a good job at keeping up its pace. If you have a neighborhood you really like, drive through it looking for signs. If you find a realtor that is pretty popular in that area it is safe to say that is an area of town they have dominate in. We used a couple with Century 21 when we sold our duplex 5 years ago because they were the main realtors in the neighborhood we were building in. Are you looking more to the area of Arlington closer to where you work, or where Chris works?
Since Dan singed his hair and eyebrows trying to light the fireplace a couple of weeks ago we've been trying to get someone to come out and look at it. Our real estate...
Pam C. replied:
We use Ace of Sweeps. Did a great job for us. www.aceofsweeps.com
So proud of my wife Monica Nelson Caressimo she is now a Licensed Real Estate Agent. So if anyone is looking to buy or sell a house please let her know.
Way to go...
Any realtor friends out there with suggestions or info would be much appreciated. First morning in the house, my sink won't drain. Plumber comes today. Roots in the...
She may not be our realtor yet but definitely a great friend and only one we would trust to get our home sold fast and at a more than fair rate if not more than asking...