Need a reference for a reasonably priced, good deck builder... hoping to sneak in one before snow fall
Chris L. replied:
Check out Amazing Carpentry. Featured deck builder for TimberTech. Can do round search Amazing Carpentry on Facebook as well. Call Chris Liparoto@402-917-1671
Josh T. replied:
Hendrix construction in Elkhorn. 402-618-5152
Andrew P. replied:
Clint Hendricks is amazing!
David K. replied:
Clint Hendricks
Michael G. replied:
Definitely go with Clint Hendricks he did my parents deck and its awesome.
Eric K. replied:
Clint Hendricks
Jonathan R. replied:
shoot me a txt 4027145064 I could swing bye later this evening and give u an estimate if want
Andrew S. replied:
Clint Hendricks ftw
Jeremy F. replied:
Kelson Jorgensen did my deck last year in October-great work, fair price.
Jeremy F. replied:
Kelson Jorgensen did my deck work last October. Great work and fair price.
Derek K. replied:
Shaun Dugger
Eric K. replied:
Jen A. replied:
Call Chris Liparoto. He does great work. Very reasonable. He has lots of pics posted in FB from the jobs he's done.
Steve A. replied:
Jim Howe
Ryan D. replied:
Clint Hendricks is ur guy.
Ryan T. replied:
Bob Morton
Christopher L. replied:
JC Custom Builders John Mumma Jr the best there is!
Ryan D. replied:
Clint Hendricks is best lol. I don't think anyone better for the money
Jake N. replied:
Free estimates. Inbox me an address. Check out
Alright Nebraska friends, need good contacts for getting a home built. Have them PM me, looking for all around electrical, builder, plumber, drywall, roofer, flooring...
Patrick F. replied:
Matthew Malone, Erica Linke, Deb Smith Linke-Krueger, Matt Coatney, Adam Weber, Andrew David
Lestie T. replied:
Jessie Fuller plumber
Mike G. replied:
Contact Mike Chadd smile emoticon
Angie J. replied:
Your Uncle Tim has a son in Omaha that is a contractor. Steve Kuhr is his name.
Amy asks: My baby's room has a musty odor smell. I notice it mostly when I open his door in the morning. No food or drinks are ever in the room. It is clean. Right down...
Mary H. replied:
I havent never personally used one before but found them while I was researching natural and safe air freshners: g/dp/B005I4L30O/ref=pd_sim_201_5?ie=UTF8&dpID=518 nahdbtOL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR153%2C160_&refRID=1TXZJT9Z24G5Y513QFMM . People use them for places that dont get much air and have musty smells. Its supposed to clean the air, not just mask it. I was looking for a more "fragrance" smell, but found this quite interesting..maybe something to look in to?