HELP!! Anyone know an OBGYN? (Sunnybrook, North York, Mont Sinai) I am due November 1st and no OBGYNs are accepting November due dates. MY doctor office and I have been...
Gleve R. replied:
Dr Pairadaeu is excellent! 416-226-1661. North York general He delivered both my babies. He tries to deliver every single baby....excellent doctor.
Amanda A. replied:
Dr Elaine Herer (Sunnybrooke) and Dr Pairideau ( NYGH). I had both...preferred Herer. More personable, aware of wait times, and takes her time. Yes, Pairedeau tries to deliver all of his babies but u have to wait sooooo Long and he rushes through his appointments.
Brooke H. replied:
Dr. Levinsky at Sinai is amazing!
Shawna B. replied:
Dr Nick Shilletto from much is amazing and high risk. He's incredible!
Annie V. replied:
Dr. Barkin and Dr. Bernstein are great! Same team as Dr. Levinsky. Highly recommend!
Jeff I. replied:
Michelle Ferruggia Mt. Sinai. Incredible.
Pnina G. replied:
Dr Eric Stutz. He is a family doctor who also delivers at nygh
Jennifer F. replied:
Dr. Angela Kang at nygh. I was referred to dr. Shiletto mid way through and he's also great.
Dory C. replied:
Dr. Sabrina Lee
Jaclyn L. replied:
Loved Dr Kroft at Sunnybrook. Hope you find someone asap.
Tanya V. replied:
Dr Barrett at Sunnybrook was my OB. He's great. There is also Dr Grace Lui. DR. Ladani. Both at Sunnybrook too.
Hey Canada! We're looking for some support in Ontario.
1. A family is looking for a doctor who has experience with children with Down syndrome. They live in Hanover...
Canadian S. replied:
Hi James, Please email us at and we will pass on the information we received.
Barbara S. replied:
Dr. Eileen McBride is our Ottawa Pediatrician. Her office is located in the Mont Fort Hospital here in Ottawa. She is absolutely incredible! We are so fortunate to have her! If you would like her contact info let me know.
Valerie T. replied:
Hi, I received your email address from Doris Power, a family member. I live in Chesley and work for Community Living. I would be happy to help you in any way I can. I work with several individuals with Down Syndrome and can get you some names of Doctors in the area. My children go to a fabulous Paediatrician in Owen Sound Dr. Paul Dick. Please let me know how I can help. Nicole Hatten
Linda N. replied:
Dr Suzanne Rydzik has a practice and clinic in Ottawa, On She is in the phone book or message me for number!
Are there any guides, shamans, or medicine people who can get to Ontario? Otherwise I can get to Quebec or to some of the closest States, but that's about it. I'm not...
David B. replied:
Jeff Creamer have a friend in Quebec who invite a shaman one or two time a year.