My parents just made aliyah to Givat Ze'ev, and the supermarkets there don't have the best prices- if they only have access to a car once in a while, where's the...
Yitzchak B. replied:
Definitely Shaarei Revacha
Jael S. replied:
Maybe this will help:
I may be missing something but whenever My husband and I shop in GZ it is painful knowing that most items are a few shekels more expensive than in Osher or Rami Levy. Mega in the mall is awful and yesh is pretty ok but they're delivery service is not reliable.
Joshua W. replied:
Osher Ad
Yael S. replied:
Mazal tov! My parents made aliyah to GZ exactly one year ago. It is expensive there, do they have a car? If yes, then I second Osher Ad or Rami levy- either the one in Modiin or in Givat Shaul. I don't know which part of GZ they are living in but There is a reasonably priced makolet in agan haayalot that btw has a lot of American products in stock.