Local friends- a Wee Play mom is looking for a reasonably priced preschool for her little one in our area. Herndon/Reston/Sterling/Great Falls. Play-based (opportunities...
Dianne R. replied:
Hunters Woods Cooperative Preschool definitely meets the criteria. Our website is www.hunterswoodspreschool.org. We have an open house coming up later this month, so it's a great time to visit and learn more.
Earlene H. replied:
Claude Moore Community Center.
April C. replied:
Trinity Presbyterian Preschool offers all the mentioned learning components at a very affordable price. I chose TPP because out of all the schools we visited, they were the only school that engaged our daughter on the tour. After five years, I still find it to be a loving, kind, child-centered place. Also, I was so pleased with my oldest daughter's readiness for elementary school.
Heather G. replied:
Herndon United Methodist Preschool
Rachel K. replied:
Julie H. replied:
Not sure if it meets her exact criteria, but United Christian Parish Preschool in Reston sounds like it might. This is the second years for my girls and I'm really happy and my girls love it. She can contact me if she has questions.
Carolyn L. replied:
Reston Children's Center served my children very well - I also know Common Ground (in Reston) is well-respected...
Julie L. replied:
Hunters Woods Cooperative Preschool has the attributes you describe, at least it did 8 years ago when we attended. Highly recommend, if she is willing to participate in a co-op style preschool. It is much more affordable than ANY other preschool in the area while adhering to the philosophy you describe. UCP definitely has the right approach too (I interviewed with them for a job and was VERY impressed) but don't know what their tuition is. My younger son attended RCC (mentioned above). They have many good teachers and a good approach, but it's full-day full-time daycare (they do part-time occasionally, but it's still full day and not what I would put in the "affordable" category, if you are not a working parent seeking daycare). Beginning Bridges is good too...toured there when we were looking and liked very much what I saw. People love LANK, but also will cost a lot more than HWCP. How's that for a full run-down?
Siobhan L. replied:
We love United Christian Parish too. It's been great for us.
Lanette M. replied:
We have loved Farm School at Frying Pan Farm Park. My daughter loved it, my son loves it now, and I do too as a parent.
Heather D. replied:
Reston Childrens Center is great my son goes there and I work there for 22 yrs
Heather D. replied:
RCC Reston Chidrens Center has a part day program from 9-12 mon -Friday is for 4 yr olds mon-wed for 3 yr olds and Thursday and Friday for 2 yr olds there are two teachers downstairs one for 4 yr olds and one for 2 and 3 yr old
Diana B. replied:
Beginning Bridges Preschool
Rose C. replied:
Yes! Herndon United Methodist Preschool is great! Love the staff and very reasonably priced!
Kathy T. replied:
We loved Trinity Presbyterian Preschool. Entire staff is amazing - and cost was very reasonable.
Can anyone recommend child care for a newborn and preschool for a toddler? I have some ideas, but I am looking for people with personal experience with schools, center...
Michelle W. replied:
Definitely Common Ground Childcare. My 4 year old daughter has been there since 16 weeks and we've been delighted.
Morgan N. replied:
I second Common Ground!
Michelle W. replied:
Common Ground, the Simon Center, Reston Children's Center, and Herndon Children's Center all have very different things to offer, but they are safe, good places. Laurel Learning Center is also non-profit, but they serve exclusively low income families with funding through Cornerstones/Reston Interfaith. Common Ground has been around for 40 years and has a long history in Reston, having been established as part of the original Reston values. It is an amazingly loving place. Teacher tenure is as high as 35 years with, I believe, somewhere around 10 years on average. It also has (and was the first in the county to obtain) a 4 star VSQI rating, which measures both curriculum and teacher-child interaction. I honestly can't say enough good things about the center. The children are happy, well loved, and learning by excellent teachers. There are (included) Spanish classes for the older children (2 and up I believe) and the center is often below mandated teacher:child ratios.
Mary P. replied:
2 of my friends were really happy with Common Grounds. On the other hand, I would definitely avoid Kindercare and Chesterbrook in Herndon.
Kathe B. replied:
I've heard good things about First Baptist of Herndon's Weekday preschool, but they start at 2 and a half, not newborn. http://www.fbcherndon.org/weekday/
We have one space for fall available!! If you or anyone you know is looking for preschool for your 18-36 month child, we have a spot on Tuesday/Thursday mornings.