Traveling on Wednesday to Nashville. Any recommendations for plant based restaurants? I'm excited to go to a full out Vegan restaurant and not have to eat salad. Nothing...
Sandgie B. replied:
You might want to post on FB group Vegan Travel - very helpful group
Mark G. replied:
check they have a restaurant guide that i find indispensable.
Gina S. replied:
Mark Gailmor I seriously hit pay dirt with this one! I just got lost in that website! I can not thank you enough for being a life saver! Terry Hagio we are going to have to meet up! So many people so little time, I swear I'm determined to cover everyone:) I'm staying at the Omni. Message me.
Stephanie M. replied:
What is happening in Nashville on Wednesday? You're the third vegan I've seen ask this question in various feeds. (I keep reading all the responses because I'm visiting a friend in Nashville in August, and everyone says The Wild Cow. I've also read good things about Khan's bakery.)
Going in NYC for Easter Sunday to the car show and parade can anyone recommend a good restaurant?
Trish V. replied:
I guess my first post didn't go Carmine's Italian restaurant. It's awesome. 43 rd & broadway. Served family style and food is delicious.
I know this Is weird but...ISO the woman who had the yard sale on Sunday on Diane Drive in Manorville with all the holiday decorations. They were from a restaurant. I...