Has anyone heard of the chiropractor/nutritionist DR. Josh Axe? He has an ebook on essential oils and its on his web site. Mention of frankincense oil curing...
Gabriel M. replied:
Apart from his lack of training in essential oil therapeutics - and despite his website saying "Dr. Axe has been a physician for many professional athletes" - a 'Doctor of Chiropractic' is NOT a 'Doctor of Medicine'. (Not aimed at you at all, Roseanne:-) – just making the point, as even his website is called DrAxe!)http://www.diffen.com/difference/Chiropractor_vs_Doctor
Jamilah B. replied:
Very sneaky, eyes rolling...I don't go around promoting myself as Dr. Brunson. I have a PharmD, but I am a PHARMACIST. Drug questions anyone? Geez
Tanya L. replied:
Good questions Gabriel! University of Bridgeport’s College of Naturopathic Medicine (UBCNM) & Bachelor of Psychology from State University of New York at Geneseo. She's the worst; a true YL soldier!
Tanya L. replied:
Listen to this audio this ND did with a popular 'health enthusiast'. I again, just don't get it :-( http://www.bengreenfieldfitness.com/.../how-to-use.../
Andrea M. replied:
Sue Sawhill Apito I dont think Bridgeport had any focus on aromatherapy, looking at their curriculum online reveals no classes http://www.bridgeport.edu/.../curriculum-and-program.../