Does anyone know of any GOOD lawyers in Syracuse,NY!?? Regarding probation..?!
John C. replied:
his number was (315) 422-7725 the last I knew.
John C. replied:
if you ever watch forensic files Jim McGraw got a guys murder conviction overturned. I was watching it a few months ago and I go hey! that's my lawyor. lol. onetime that's it I'm not a criminal but I was looking at 8.75 years for a fistfight and I box a little.
Ricky B. replied:
Jeff Deroberts
Chanel B. replied:
Jeffrey DeRoberts but he can be a little pricey!!
Ryan M. replied:
Pall Cary 474-0077 been using him for years if you want me to explain an box me your number
Dip J. replied:
Paul Carey is the best lawyer in the city.
Dip J. replied:
Paul Carey or James McGraw
Dip J. replied:
Paul Carey or James McGraw
Dip J. replied:
I got 7 year sentence down to two years with Paul Carey
Christopher M. replied:
Michelle Snyder used to be a da and she is as pretty as u
Ryan S. replied:
Yes. Peter Schaffer. One the best, if you want his information message me.
1-800-LAW-1333. call tom anelli 1-800-dwi-TEAM!!!! WILLIAM ATTAR 888-8888. call JIM! THE HAMMMMERRRR! SHAPIRO!! CALL 1-800-546-7777. thats all i got. lol!! ;)
Andrea B. replied:
Ron Nellons....Legal Aide services on s salina.....he's my lawyer has been for several years..
My kids are THE BEST!!! Just sayin!!!!
( they both did FANTASTIC during move and long drive to NJ - much better than mommy and daddy, who have been facing one disaster...