MissAnn asks:
anyone from Illinois with exempt children??? any advice? I can only do a religious exemption we don't have philosophical in this state anymore, he is too...
Bo W. replied:
a Chiro is a Dr. he can exempt http://www.nvic.org/Vaccine-Laws/state-vaccine-requirements/illinois.aspx
Nichole Z. replied:
Www.vacclib.org is where I get my exemptions for school. My kids' school has never given us a hard time thankfully.
Michelle B. replied:
I'm in IL. I have a medical exemption for my son that was never questioned from a DAN! doctor and my daughter has a religious exemption on file at her school. Both are in public schools and its never been an issue for either of them. Their pediatrician filled out the school physical forms and left the vaccine part blank and I just attached the exemptions. It was rather easy, actually, I figured they'd give me problems over it but didn't. The religious exemption form I used is the one on the NVIC.org website. Just printed it out and signed it. No need for a lawyer. They also have a printable PDF file of the Illinois state law on vaccine exemptions as well, so if the school gives you trouble you can show them you're within your rights.