Solar in RVA Does anyone have any experience going solar in RVA? I recently became a home owner and have been doing some research but have yet to find someone who has...
himynameisjay replied:
Not saying you should randomly knock on someone's door but there's a home at the corner of Wilmington and Lamont near Ginter Park that has a pretty neat looking array. Maybe you could drop a letter in their mailbox.
Yarbles replied:
VA Sun is now part of [Solar United Neighbors]( Sign up on their website, and they'll walk you through the process and go over all the information you need. Once you commit, you'll meet locally with a team of other people committed to moving forward with it, and you'll pool your resources to get the best prices. I'd wait a week or so, it looks like [Trump is sabotaging solar in America](, not that that's at all surprising.
Sparkstalker replied:
We went through SolarizeRVA, who had partnered with Integrated Power Systems ( We’ve had solar panels for about 18 months now, and no complaints so far.
MuadDave replied:
If you do go solar, PLEASE make sure that your controllers meet FCC standards for RFI (radio frequency interference) and that the installer takes all necessary measures to install them 'to code'. Many of the popular controllers emit massive amounts of RF that interfere with everything from AM radio, amateur radio, airport/airplane VHF comms, etc. They are horribly designed and built and illegal to import, but they're not stopped at the border.
blorence replied:
I have a friend who works [here](, it might be a useful resource for you.
OBXastronaut replied:
I work in Zoning for the city. Make sure your solar panels meet yard (setback) requirements! PM me if you have any questions.
itsfuckinrob replied:
Sigora or Nova Solar are fantastic but as another redditor commented, VA sun is a fantastic way to meet people who have solar and get your questions answered. Strongly suggest you go with a company that has the most efficient panels. A lot of companies buy big orders of panels to keep the cost down, but then the technology advances (which it has been doing rapidly), and for uninformed consumers you are left with sub par equipment.