I hired "All Fencing and Repair" to put in a fence at my home. Unfortunately, after cashing my check and not returning my calls/texts, and not requesting the permit...
Lisa S. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/AllFencingAndRepair/ thanks...good to know
Danielle W. replied:
If you still need a fence company, we used Saylor Fence and they were excellent and efficient 954.581.5163
David L. replied:
Leave your review about them here: https://plus.google.com/113387527254600269364/about
Steph L. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/274342819281103 Jeff The Fence Guy
Marci B. replied:
I recently used Xtreme Fence. They did a fantastic job. I recommended to a neighbor and also said they did a great job. (They also stopped by and dropped off a $50 gift card as a thank you for the referral).
Veronica S. replied:
I used them, they handle the permits. http://acefence1961.com/permitting/
Lucy V. replied:
They are in the Ripoffreport.com site, always check here before doing any business with a company or a person! Like Bina Fink