Looking for recommendations for an excellent builder in the Rougemont/Durham area for a renovation. Would love to find a contractor that is has experience building...
Kristan J. replied:
Terry Davis 336-516-0529 I believe he's based out of Efland, he did an add on to my barn and had to reconstruct the whole roof from sagging and replaced it, fixed leaks, etc. Also had him build me a tack room. He's crew is very nice and were considerate of the horses, cleaned up after themselves, etc. He does houses too
Danielle J. replied:
Instinct Builders owned by Brad Ellis 919-730-5301 They erected my 150'x250' covered arena beautifully as well as converted an indoor round pen into 6 gorgeous stalls. Very professional as well as very budget friendly. He is a licensed contractor and has done it all. It's worth a call to get a free quote for comparison before you start your project. Did I mention budget friendly and professional? smile emoticon
Camille B. replied:
Eclipse Construction just built our barn and it is GORGEOUS. I can get pics if you want smile emoticon
Can anyone recommend a good Builder? How about Castle Homebuilders? Here is their link: http://www.castlehomebuilders.com/Home_Page.php
Your input is greatly...
igglypuff replied:
Don't know what type of home you're trying to build but http://www.rmbbuildinganddesign.com/ I grew up with him and he is good people
Hilikus1980 replied:
Sal with Castle is very good. What specifically are you looking to have done? I work in building supplies, and can probably give a few good suggestions depending on what you need.
nyintensity replied:
Not Stevens. Not modular. That's all the input I can give you, unfortunately.