This may have been asked > 6 months ago, but I'm looking for a recommendation for a wire-framing tool that allows test users to click on user interface elements to...
Jacqueline H. replied:
I think you can do it with Balsalmic:
Harrison R. replied:
Prototyper, it also lets you work in a ton of functionality and write scripts to test.
Paul O. replied:
Have to go with Cole, I've used Balsamiq (which is the Basecamp of wireframing: once the hottest thing around, now easily eclipsed by better alternatives) and Invision (which is awesome but more design than functional flow). I've found Axure best at communicating ideas and direction to developers.
Jeff C. replied:
skip wireframes, buy a $20 theme from and build a functional prototype. ;)
Vitorio M. replied:
Bryan Menell, I've had good results from if you can't find people e.g. in a coffee shop.
Jeff C. replied:
Bryan Menell - yes responsive web - native apps are a different beast all together. Hopefully one day it will be as easy to throw something functional together and get it deployed to a bunch of early adopters for testing. If it's an option, I like to...See More
Blake G. replied: <- love it
Brendan M. replied:
Bryan, Jacqueline - We use Balsamiq for this. You can link protoypes together, then launch a Prototype Mode for your users to use (even send a link to).
Brian S. replied:
I have heard good things about but have never tried it ;)
Hey guys,
I know I may be looking for a couple of unicorns but I was needing some help finding a good, reasonable, and reliable framer or framing company and a good,...
Resources for Framing Permanent Tiny Homes? Looking to build permanent 16x24’ tiny home on a slab in Vermont. Thinking 2x6” and 20” on center for extra insulation...
SunshineZombieG replied:
If you're planning on regular framing, sips ([]( or []( are great for handing you perfect insulation without needing to use nearly as much material. And if you want something sturdy, steel kits can be printed through []( .
I am looking for framing crews. Mainly single family structures. New construction: walls, cornice to deck. No remodeling.
Recommendations? Please message me or reply...
Chris H. replied:
That's easy. Eric Garner. He's done multiple jobs for me and knows his stuff. He's busy on one of my projects but will be available come mid January to Feb. 512-308-2117
Jesse D. replied:
Hello you can reach me at 956-212-1546. Decora Designs construction Group
I am looking for some people to for some jobs on a residential new build, preferably licensed in the areas where Burnet County needs permits pulled
Crystal C. replied:
Bobby Crawford755-2441:-D
Dana B. replied:
Mike Jones does AC (Mrs. Jones husband)
Aaron A. replied:
HVAC- Mike Clarkson Plumbing- Kurt&Susan Hoover Electrician- Delean Hazlewood Water- Depends if you have city or need a well (Western Water Wells in Burnet) Electricity- PEC if its not in Burnet or Lampasas city limits
Got my own Melissa Shirley Fish House canvas today with stitch guide and threads via Fireside Stitchery. Love that stitch guide has a variety of stitches (including my...
Ginger E. replied:
K's Creations scroll bars go up to 30 and 34"-chik out. and then order thru your LNS.
Hi all, I'm thinking about venturing into new construction and I have a question about the foundation. Do you use your framers to form up the slab and do the layout or...
Billy C. replied:
I have an amazing framing crew o could help you with the slab and save you a ton of money!!! even on the lumber Billy Cranford project director and co founder Ethan Scott custom Homes. starting to frame a 6 k square ft on Thursday please call 512-825-9139
ADVICE/QUOTE NEEDED!!! regarding Metal/Cement Exterior Stairwell
Hi, I'm looking for someone to take a look and provide advice and a quote for repair on the condition...
Looking for a contractor to frame a bump-out for a fireplace insert. [Framing, elevated platform, & sheet rock]. Thank you in advance. (Photos for reference) DM's, tags,...
I'm looking for metal framing companies. Need materials only. I have specs but would also be interested in pre-fab framing packages for tiny homes. Please email...
Can anyone recommend someone local that is reasonably priced that could help my husband and I build a wall and closet? I'm thinking we just need help with the framing,...