Jiu-jitsu school for a beginner I am looking to start taking BJJ classes but as I'm completely new to this world I realised I have no idea what to look for in a gym as a...
FaustBeirdo replied:
There are a few options in Berlin: [Ringside Gym](http://www.ringsidegym.de/): Located between S + U Frankfurter Allee and Ostkreuz, I think they belong to Checkmat [Fenriz Trainingszentrum](https://fenriz-tz.de/): located in Kreuzberg [IMAG e.V.](https://jkdberlin.de/): located in Wedding, affiliated to Hilti [Spitfire](http://spitfire-berlin.de/): located in Schöneberg, they affiliated to GFT [BJJ Akademie](http://www.bjjberlin.de/): i think it is in Schöneberg as well [BJJ Dojo Berlin](https://bjj.berlin/): Neukölln affiliated with Checkmat There are some more schools/gyms, but these come to mind spontanously. I think all schools offer proper support for beginners.
AlwaysBeChowder replied:
I've never done BJJ specifically, but there's a lovely little English speaking martial arts gym in Mitte called Chimosa. I did more striking sports when I was there but I know they definitely had MMA grappling and BJJ classes last year.
Can anybody recommend good BJJ gyms in Berlin, Germany for a complete beginner? I've never taken a BJJ class before, so I'm looking for a school that would welcome a...
GTKadir replied:
Hilti imag, der Coach (Name vergessen) ist schon lange dabei und super nett. Habe die Leute von ihm auf Turnieren gesehen und die sind alle fit, war bei einem Seminar von ihm und er war didaktisch sehr gut, Seine Lieblingsposition war half guard glaube ich. Aber in Berlin gibt es Sau viele Orte zum trainieren, guck dich am besten selber um und finde was am besten zu dir passt.
ao1989 replied:
GFTeam, Gabriel Rainho, legit http://www.gfteamberlin.com/
HelloWorld753 replied:
IMAG ist normalerweise die erste Adresse in Berlin, Frank soll wirklich ein toller Trainer sein. Wenn du dahin 50 Minuten brauchst, wohnst du bestimmt irgendwo in Neukölln, oder? Dort hat auf jeden Fall ein Schüler von Frank einen eigenen Verein eröffnet. Ist ebenfalls ein guter Trainer und sehr netter Kerl. Zu finden unter www.martialartsgroup.de
Graugart replied:
Try asking in the Facebook group "members of BJJ Globetrotters" :)
_clm replied:
http://www.matar-ev.de/ ... Wird aber auch von Schülern aus der Imag trainiert
OlaFriend replied:
I think there is a new checkmat gym that just opened in Berlin. I red it somewhere :O
bstellm1 replied:
I had a great experience rolling at an open mat one weekend during a work trip at www.bjjberlin.de - super welcoming (and I don't speak German)
Can anyone recommend a beginner boxing class in Berlin? I have literally zero experience and am laughably out of shape but thinking of getting into this! I checked out...
thr33pwood replied:
If you want to get into it, I'd recommend joining one of the unisport boxing courses. If you are into it, and want to improve on a competitive level, a Verein would be better. http://www.hochschulsport.fu-berlin.de/ https://www.hochschulsport.hu-berlin.de/de/hochschulsport-an-der-humboldt-universitaet-zu-berlin Feel free to ask if you have specific questions, I've done this for several years.
rectum_robot replied:
huh, am I spotting a new trend?
letsgocrazy replied:
Try this one, I go here https://www.facebook.com/boxeninberlin/
Can anyone recommend a good gym that offers pay as you go/short term contracts? I just need to get into shape for my sisters wedding in December and return back home...
Anyone here into boxing that can recommend a good gym in Berlin? Preferably around Schoneberg/ Charlottenburg, but anything will do. Thanks!
Anonymous replied:
Dunno if you mean a coach or anything but the mcfit at kottbuser damm has a pretty good boxing area. Three bags a couple of speed ball and punching pads.
ineverlaugh replied:
I'm hijacking this thread to ask if anyone knows around the same area a thai-boxing gym! btw: what is up with those "abos" that require you to sign up for 1 year minimum (ex. http://www.mma-berlin.de/kurse.htm) ?? there many gyms that work like that, its super-retarded! is it the way is normally done in germany?
Anyone into health, fitness and wellness here or fellow gym fan? I sense there like a handful of fitness studios, few juice bars, and barely any trendy wellness crazes...
Anybody knows a gym that doesn't require a yearly contract? Almost anything else would work - single entrance, package of X visits, month by month... Preference to...
Jonas S. replied:
Berlin Strength/Raw Area, Warschauer
Hilary B. replied:
Seconding Superfit -- they have a (more expensive) month-to-month option.
hI, can anyone recommend fitness clubs/gyms in the Friedrichshain or Prezlauer berg area or mitte/alexandreplatz, preferably month to month deals? Thnx
Thomas B. replied:
I've heard about Fitness First at Alexanderplatz!
Mary S. replied:
I've been with Fitness First for the last two years. You can get a 6-Mo. contract with them. Cost depends on which gym you choose as your home gym. I'm based at Gendarmenmarkt and have had only positive experiences. They have locations also at Alex, Prenzlberg and Friedrichshain.
Hi !
Im moving to Berlin in September and am wondering if any of you can help me with the following:
1: Im looking for a typical american cheer/gymnastics gym with...
Anyone know of a gym that doesn't require a bank account? All this time I haven't needed a bank account and finally decided to get one because my injuries are healed and...