I'm a DC in Boston. We've been looking for a massage therapist for months without luck. Where do most LMTs look for jobs? We've posted at all the local schools, on...
Yon G. replied:
I can see why most people with some brains would run from this position. You are trying to run a business without hiring employees. Yet at the same time you ask for resume and cover letter like you are hiring an employee. You don't need to ask those do cuments from Independent Contractors. At the same time you will keep control of both your business and your employee's business. You have no right to bill or schedule an IC as it is his business and not yours. You are trying to fill a "Massage Therapy Position" in YOUR clinic without taking responsibility of YOUR legal duties as an employer. A Massage Therapist working in YOUR clinic will be at YOUR command, not independent at all. You are offering Massage Therapy to your clients as part of YOUR business. That makes the Massage Therapists that you hire YOUR employees.
Rheena P. replied:
Have you tried linkedin.com ? Search for MTs in your area that fits your job description and contact them. I have received job offers this way and while I was not looking for a job, I referred the job to a friend who is also an MT.
Kathy D. replied:
I just found some good applicants at indeed.com
Della M. replied:
IRS Common Law Rules http://www.irs.gov/.../Independent-Contractor-Self... USDOL Fair Labor Standards Act http://www.dol.gov/whd/regs/compliance/whdfs13.pdf USDOL healthcare industry & hours worked http://www.dol.gov/whd/regs/compliance/whdfs13.pdf
Kathy D. replied:
Sarah Granite is "scheduling, handling client payments, paying rent/utilities, maintaining your website, etc." a benefit/package deal for being located in your office, or is it a requirement that they have to use? If it is a benefit available to be inc luded in the rent you may want to change the wording. I know some MTs use an online booking system or virtual receptionist, so this may be of interest to someone wanting to offer a professional "live" presence to their clients. Also, perhaps instead of asking for a resume, ask for a Career Bio (essentially the same thing - but not). You could also seek the answers you want to know in the professional lease application. This listing may also do well in an office rental section.
Sarah G. replied:
Here is the most recent ad we posted (with our info removed). We also posted a few photos of the office with this ad. Please let me know what you think. "Join our team at [removed name] Chiropractic as a Massage Therapist and run your own business w ithout all the hassles. Our newly-constructed and modern facility is conveniently located just off I-95, adjacent to [the new outdoor mall in our area]. If you love being a Massage Therapist but not everything else that comes with being a solo practitioner (scheduling, handling client payments, paying rent/utilities, maintaining your website, etc.), then this position is for you. Qualifications: - An up-to-date MA Massage Therapy License - 1+ years of experience, but new graduates will be considered - Excellent communication skills - Experience in multiple massage techniques To apply for this position, please send a current professional resume as an attachment in Microsoft Word format as a reply to this ad. Please include a cover letter in the body of the email with the subject line "Massage Therapy Position"."
Anthony T. replied:
Post it in https://www.facebook.com/groups/MassachusettsMassageTherapy/
Anybody have a recommendation for massage or reflexology place in south Boston or even Chinatown?
Picture for attention. I need some R&R. Obviously. TIA
Elizabeth K. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/dirce.dacruz/posts/1744901572251090 I know her personally and she travels
Kathleen W. replied:
Triwellness 14 Dorchester st. 617-826-6700
Jennifer M. replied:
Jeff Spratt at the Seaport hotel. Parking in the garage is validated for $5
Kaileigh B. replied:
Spa Intercontinental at the Intercontinental Hotel on Atlantic Ave has a great Swedish massage, and they always have groupons for it!
Sarah S. replied:
I’ve had great massages from Lily at RelaxSation. Its close to where the #11 route ends/starts in DTX or a short walk from either South Station or DTX. They’re on Yelp. Prices are good too. http://relaxsation.com
Massage Recommendations I'm a teacher in Boston and this end game is killing me mentally and physically. I'm looking for a place to get a nice massage. Nothing fancy;...
red_tide_clams replied:
$35 1 h student massages here: http://www.cortiva.com/locations/boston-massage-school/massage-therapy-centers.aspx
ciac17 replied:
I strongly recommend Abi Harper: http://abiharpermassage.com She's good at both massage for relaxation and to work out specific problem areas (especially ones you don't yet realize that you have because they've been unhappy forever). Also, she's very close to Central. (-> scheduling a massage for myself)
Dorkasaurus_Rox replied:
Inman Oasis. Get some included hot tub time after.
gnimsh replied:
Others here have recommended Boston Body Worker.
warpaint replied:
Any Asian massage parlors in Boston with "extra service"?
Bob_Lobblah replied:
Are you looking for a unhappy ending? If so, I know just the place.
HELP! Can anyone recommend a chiropractor, massage therapist, knot remover, body aligner, back/neck helper?? I have one leg quite shorter than the other, and my back is...
Josh S. replied:
Dr Diamond
Heather S. replied:
Sean Sean Peters is super knowledgable and excellent. My go to guy
Clay L. replied:
Simard!! I would recommend Dr. Diamond of Diamond Chiropractic - he's a nice guy who does excellent work, & his office is on Clarendon Street right off Newbury. I have a fu@$d up back and I've been seeing him since I started my studies at Berklee - I think Danilo goes to him, too.
Mark W. replied:
Susan Burbidge in JP. She cured my frozen shoulder in a very short time.
Gaia W. replied:
Tomoko Ozawa
Adan H. replied:
I've been to Back Bay Chiropractic on Newbury Street. They were great. Its free with Berklee health insurance