Looking for a therapist in Calgary Hi Calgary!
I moved here around a year ago so I don't know many people here. Unfortunately a few things happened and I'm thinking I...
goodgollymsnobody replied:
Many people on this subreddit, including myself, recommend the Calgary Counseling Centre. They charge on a sliding scale based on your income. They also have a number of psychologists and social workers working for them, so if your original match to a therapist isn't working for you it isn't difficult to switch.
Superfluous420 replied:
[Calgary Counselling Centre](http://www.calgarycounselling.com/) does good work and charge on a sliding scale (basically whatever you can afford), the [Distress Centre](http://www.distresscentre.com/) offers free, 24 hour support over the phone 403-266-4357 (and they also do up to six one-on-one sessions with a counsellor if needed) or [Eastside Family Centre](http://www.woodshomes.ca/site/PageNavigator/programs/crisis/programs_eastside.html) offers free, walk-in counselling, they're open at 11 a.m. Mon to Sat., first-come, first-served. EDIT: Distress Centre does 24 hour support, not counselling.
cheddarkitty replied:
www.collaborativecarenetwork.com There are 3 psychologists and a counsellor there that are all amazing.
gulfan replied:
Head in down to the Sheldon chmuir centre downtown. Urgent care has mental health workers you can talk too. Also google Calgary access mental health. It's fucking brutal - but it does get better with exercise, social life, medication and counselling.
electricsheep12345 replied:
Physical? Mental? You don't have to give specifics but a general idea would help people make recommendations.
vitalkite replied:
You can also give Access Mental Health a call to get a better idea of your options, and potentially be referred to a place that's covered under Alberta Health Services: http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/services.asp?pid=service&rid=2381
nancam9 replied:
Any particular part of the city?
ajau_1 replied:
Catholic Family Services is downtown on 10 th Ave next to Commonwealth and charges on a sliding scale. There is zero religion there if you are wondering, and they have dozens of therapists and psychologists on staff.
wolfJam replied:
Sorry to hear, but it looks like people have given you a lot of good leads. I hope you get and feel better soon... Mental health is a tough cookie. And this city can definitely be a bit overwhelming at first so you're not alone.
Question in #YYC. Looking for an experienced therapist to help with intimacy avoidance. Any and all suggestions appreciated!
xtos2001 replied:
The psychologists association of Alberta website has a search function and you can filter by problem/concern [Link](https://www.psychologistsassociation.ab.ca/site/doctor_search_form)
cheddarkitty replied:
Anyone at Cultivate is good, but Joel Roos is good with sexual stuff. www.growthelife.com
pollywog replied:
You are not alone! After we got married, my wife also avoids intimacy.
Starlla replied:
I would recommend Danica Heidebrecht. I found her quite helpful and she'll do a preliminary telephone consultation with you to see if she's the right fit. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/therapists/danica-heidebrecht-calgary-ab/129281
SarfChar replied:
Don’t go to Calgary counselling centre
DavidssonA replied:
I would not recommend reading my suggestion, but if you do, may I ask if you are married or have a significant other? If so, have you tried drinking wine and spending time together?
DavidssonA replied:
I would not recommend reading my suggestion, but if you do, may I ask if you are married or have a significant other? If so, have you tried drinking wine and spending time together?
Any have or know if a "Sports Therapist"? Someone who can work in shoulders ASAP..
John M. replied:
Dr Randy Wilkie. 274 8680. Very good. Works on real athletes so you should be a snap.
Rae-Lynn P. replied:
diverse sprots - www.diversesports.ca on crowchild. Ask for Foozieh Ostowari (she does "deep tissue accupucnture") it hurts like hell but it works! I was 90% better after one treatment:)
Karen F. replied:
Active Sports Therapy is really good, Dr. David Westmacott. He does Active Release Therapy. He's just off of Macleod by the Delta South
Harold C. replied:
UofC Sports Med is wicked. Mulitdiscipline team.
Al P. replied:
Troy. My wife's clinic has doctors who do prolotherapy as well as prp and have worked with several flames and NHL players. They have two dedicated sports therapists. It's called Paradigm Health at heritage and McLeod. Ask for Shawn Boshuck
Jason S. replied:
Dr Brian Myles, riverside Sports Therapy. Tell him Smitty referred you! He works on me for ball. He's the shit!
Sam B. replied:
Oh Panters yes! I suggest Darcy Doyle@Trico he's awesome- the only Physio in town that I trust/ seems to make a difference. I got to him & my mom did. Been going to him for yrs- he knows his stuff.
Rod D. replied:
I've been going to ProActive Health Group on 12 Ave downtown for about 5 years. They're fantastic. The guy who owns the clinic was the chiropractor for the Canadian Olympic team.
Where in town to see a therapist? Hi, I'm looking for a therapist in Calgary to go to. Doing some research off google but thought I'd ask if anyone can recommend a place...
nancam9 replied:
Calgary Counselling offers income-based session I believe. I had minimal insurance (about 3 or 4 sessions) but ended up paying out of pocket when I found the right counsellor. Totally worth it, even if it was tens of thousands over a few years. It also took a few attempts before we found the right person that we could both work with. It would be nice if who works with me works with you, but it does not always work that way. Good luck. Lawyers, accountants and therapists are a handful of professions where its not just about the money.
Acorbo22 replied:
I used a service called access mental health. They hooked me up with a psychiatrist.
kalgary replied:
You probably already know whatever they could tell you. Tell it to yourself and save your money.
Anonymous replied:
faradaysdream replied:
Depending on where you are in the city...if you can get a referral (through your primary care doctor) to the South Calgary Primary Care Network...They have 6 free counselling sessions available. I found it be be incredibly helpful (and they have courses for so many things including meditation/mindfulness). I can’t say enough good things about it. I was nearing my breaking point, but the resources there helped me sort things out.
Superfluous420 replied:
Finding a good therapist or counsellor is like finding a good relationship, you both have to feel comfortable with each other and able to be open. What works for one person might not for another. Calgary Counselling Centre has a sliding scale for fees and if money is a real issue, Eastside Family Centre offers free walk-in counselling, first come-first serve. Good luck to you. Remember, the most important thing is that you feel comfortable!
Riordin replied:
If you have a family physician, talk to them about any mental health concerns. A lot of practices have an in-house counselor/psychologist that's usually covered by AB Health so no pay on your side. You can also contact Access Mental Health, +1 403-943-1500. They can provide guidance and point you in the right direction. And also remember if situations ever get dire, your scared, panicked, or are just having a tough time you can contact the distress center, +1 403-266-1601. Also if you just need someone to talk to and listen and offer any advice, you can PM me anytime. I've been on my path to recovery from mental illness and have done and seen a lot regarding mental health
electricsheep12345 replied:
Might help if you explain what kind of therapist. Family? Physical? Addictions? Speech? Etc.
multiprocessor replied:
Try calling Healthlink at 811 and they should be able to help you
RoiderOrtiz replied:
Catholic Family Services. you only pay what you can.
Oldgrumpus replied:
Sorry but all therapists are booked up by traumatized nudists
Hey Calgary friends, when I moved from BC I left behind a great relationship with my physiotherapist. I haven't needed one in Calgary, but I am now in need and I don't...