Looking for a cheapish?? Therapist/someone to talk to I have never done this before, and never needed this help before but I'm lying in bed tonight and I feel I need to...
rickvug replied:
Today I learned that there is a free UBC Counselling Centre in New Westminster. I don't know if this is too far out for you but something to look at. See http://ecps.educ.ubc.ca/counselling-centres/new-westminster-ubc-counselling-centre. I wish you the best. If you feel like you need to talk to someone then I'm glad that you're taking this action. Sounds like you are a strong and proactive person.
cinnamonchai replied:
Here ya go, bud: Distress Services: **Greater Vancouver 604-872-3311** **Fraser Health - (Burnaby to Boston Bar) 604.951.8855 OR 1.877.820.7444** Toll Free – Howe Sound and Sunshine Coast 1-866-661-3311 TTY 1-866-872-0113 BC-wide 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)Online Service for Youth www.YouthInBC.comOnline Service for Adults www.CrisisCentreChat.ca Seniors’ Distress Line 604-872-1234Mental Health Support (BC-wide) 310-6789 Highly recommend. **Most are 24/7.** You likely won't get anyone available in person at this time unless you're in acute distress (then walk yourself to ER and ask to speak to a psych nurse, psychiatrist, etc.)
Anonymous replied:
The Adler Centre at broadway and burrard is the best! They're $50/session, less if you're unemployed, and just super great people.
should-of replied:
It probably doesn't help that it's the shortest day of the year, it's cold and rainy out, and there's nothing good on tv except for Xmas shows where 'everyone else' is happy. Is a week in Hawaii out of your budget?
Anyone have any recommendations for a good poly friendly therapist in Chicago's North/NW burbs?
Miriam S. replied:
Have you checked on https://www.twitter.com/ncsf 's Kink Aware Professionals list? That's probably a great place to start.
Duncan42 replied:
. https://www.twitter.com/dontpaniccast There are also sexuality selectors on https://therapists.psychologytoday.com/ and the SSTAR directory at http://www.sstarnet.org/therapist-directory.php
sara replied:
I highly recommend http://www.lifeworkspsychotherapy.com/
Kat S. replied:
You're probably looking for personal recs & may know this but http://www.asect.net/ has directory sex positive therapists.
Does anyone know a good therapist for a teen. He needs to talk to someone but he comes from a low income family. Any advice.
MG M. replied:
If he lives in Oak Park, he can go to Thrive Counseling Center (they have a sliding scale.) If he doesn't live in OP, he could still call them and speak to a crisis worker for free: 708-383-7500 then press "1" - he could also ask the crisis worker for a reference for a mental health worker in his neighborhood.
i encourage professional counseling if he needs it, but also let him know about imalive.org if he has the internet. he can chat with certified crisis specialists. great group of people that i have trained with.
Hello neighbors! I am looking for a therapist for my ten year old son in Chicago, hopefully in the area or easily accessible by cta (we don't have a car) Any suggestions...
Michael V. replied:
Hello, I recommend one of my colleagues, Kristin Flores. Our office is at Damen, Lincoln, and Irving, right off the brown line. Give us a call at 773.414.4577. Best to you and your son.
Kristin C. replied:
Sorry to hear you haven't received a response from providers. I'd recommend Nan Nadler or Kaitlyn Cantwell at Urban Balance. They're very responsive. https://urbanbalance.com/contact-urban-balance-counseling/
Tiffany K. replied:
We love North Shore Pediatric Therapy.
Georgia G. replied:
https://therapists.psychologytoday.com/rms/name/Robert_L._Finke_PhD_Chicago_Illinois_221494 Office near Montrose Brown Line.
Mi H. replied:
My kids go to Illinois Masonic Behavioral Health Center. Get off at Wellington, use the back turnstile. Its right across the street. No waiting list compared to Luries.
Carrie T. replied:
do you live in the area served by The Kenzie Center? http://www.thekedziecenter.org