Who do you use for dog boarding? Approximately how much do they charge? Thanks.
Sydney B. replied:
Tina Lindner
Ashley S. replied:
We used Old Stone Pet Lodge and they were always fantastic for both daycare and boarding. They came highly recommended by our trainer and I continue to recommend them to others. http://www.oldstonepetlodge.com/ Boarding starts at $21/day.
Courtney B. replied:
We have always used ^^^Old Stone but they've been full the last two times we need to kennel the dogs so we used Das Hund Haus and had good experience there.
Aria W. replied:
Das Hund in Evansville - they are the BEST! Rates are on their website: http://www.dashundhausllc.com/
Alex M. replied:
Chesterfield Kennels!
Melani P. replied:
Scott Katzenmeyer!! Kim Reese Katzenmeyer
Tina L. replied:
dashundhausllc.com not only has great prices for boarding but it also includes free daycare with their boarding.
Ashley S. replied:
Denise, I do pet sitting. This is an option where your pets can stay at home in their own environment while you are away. For dogs, I come by 4 x/day and try to keep as normal of schedule as possible. :) Very affordable rates and I am licensed and insured/bonded. You can check out my page at: www.facebook.com/ashleysmobilecrittercare