Need a vet for my cat close to Milton as she doesnt do well in the car. Anxiety issue I believe.
MJ O. replied:
How do you get Dr. Junck? Every time we call there's a recording telling us to call back when he's in, but I have no idea when that is.
Donna P. replied:
I just tried Dr Junk and the number is out of service.
Ed C. replied:
Here's a link to Savannah. It's not far from 5 points. Kind of across Home Depot and Saketumi: They have 24/7 ER which can be a LIFE SAVER as I found out last weekend!
Julie J. replied:
302 933 0390
Donna P. replied:
Called and left a message for Dr Junk even though it says to call back. I hope he calls back in a day or two.