Does anyone have any suggestions on how to help with ADHD behaviors, such as diet modification? The child is already in counseling, just looking to see if anyone has had...
Omaha P. replied: ~Aron
Stephanie L. replied:
My chiropractor has a program called SHINE that works specifically with children with ADHD. Koca Chiropractic clinic on 120 th Blondo.
TimandJennifer H. replied:
Omaha P. replied:
take out all red food dye, well any food dye really is what has worked for my aunt. - Jenn D.
Julie S. replied:
Cut out wheat (gluten), dairy, and sugar. Basically eat as all natural as possible - no processed foods. As many fruits and veggies as possible. And I second going to Koca Chiropractic Clinic. They can help out as well!!
Bruce G. replied:
Dairy, wheat, soy, sugar, dyes preservatives. Feingold is a great guide. Also consider that many of these kids have what's called a sensory processing disorder. Look up the for more info. These can be mistaken for ADHD and autism and are eminently treatable!
Chrissy C. replied:
We've had great success with diet changes and supplements. I highly recommend Dr. Shawn Schmidt at the Natural Health Center and Stones Worth Stepping for sensory integration. Good luck!
Hi! I'm looking for a neurologist that somebody highly recommends. I've had seizures, from a head injury, since I was 19. It's been 14 years and I still have seizures...
Epilepsy A. replied:
Jennifer, contact the Epilepsy Foundation Mississippi for a referral