Hi All,
Can anyone recommend an exterminator in the area? Last night our cat found a mouse in the house. I just want to make sure if we have a problem it's taken care...
Linda P. replied:
Ken Valero of Ken's Pest lives in town, is reasonably priced and is totally reliable! His number is 201-401-7867. Even the Police use him!!
Debbie D. replied:
Aardvark animal & pest control!!!! He is the BEST!!!! 973-616-9922.
Raymond M. replied:
Both Beth and Nancy are right. They hate the smell of peppermint. Put some essence of peppermint on cotton balls and place around. All an exterminator will do is put bait and possibly snap traps around and charge you quite a bit to do it. You can do it yourself for a lot less.
Kris S. replied:
We use O'Hare pest control. Dave O'Hare 973-713-9864. Great guy great prices tell him Dan Smith sent you.
Dorothy D. replied:
I've use VIKING for a business I had and they were honest and thorough.. good luck, usually when you see one mouse there are some more around.. http://www.vikingpest.com/residential/
Hi. Can someone recommend a good pest control service in the area? In particular someone who can help with a mouse problem? Thank you!
Steve P. replied:
PM Sal Presti here on Facebook he works for West Pest Control...
Jennifer W. replied:
I used Western - Sal Presti was great and i HIGHLY recommend. I've seen a huge decrease in bugs this year over last and they helped with my little mouse/pest issue too!
Sal P. replied:
Hi, I work for Western Pest control and live in town....inbox or call me at 973-768-9145 for a free estimate...thanks, Sal Presti
Cynthia V. replied:
Hi Pedro, if you still need assistance, we can help you with your mice situation. Ken's Pest Control 888-848-7378. We are here in town. (Ken is also an owner of Serious Pest Solutions, which was referred above as well.) Thanks so much!
Joe P. replied:
Sal Presti of Western Pest Control. Remember: You can't spell PRESTI without P-E-S-T!
Any recommendations for Pest control....don't have any problems, but the on-going maintenance of our current company has gotten significantly worse recently and is...
Taylor J. replied:
https://www.facebook.com/590408420970161 VALLEY PEST SERVICES right in Wayne great company does excellent work!
Rebecca F. replied:
Four Seasons Pest Management is a business right in Pequannock, owned by my Dad. He is very professional and serious about what he does. His phone number is (201)572-9185. His name is John Foster.:-)
Jim L. replied:
Dave we use John Foster and reccommend him highly. Jim Lorenz
Looking for recommendations for an exterminator TIA
Gary K. replied:
Creative Home - Chris Ruby 551-358-0045. I recommend him to all of my clients and they have been very satisfied. Tell him that I referred you, I am sure you will be happy.
Sandy F. replied:
Ken's Pest Control in town
Taryn D. replied:
Cynthia Valero
Colette G. replied:
Dragon Pest a Control. Very professional and does excellent work
Kathy D. replied:
My brother-in-law. Richard Berge Abarb pest control. He's awesome.
Cynthia V. replied:
Hi Debbie, we can help you as well. Ken's Pest Control. We are here in town. 888-848-7378. Thanks!
Suggestions for pest exterminator please. We've tried several natural methods to get rid of hornets nesting IN our front steps masonry and they are not budging. Is there...
Need recommendations for a good exterminator. We have a chipmunk in our house that we can't get rid of - left the doors open and everything else we could think of!