Hello peoople! Does anybody know where can I find a good (not sooo expensive) English academy or school that prepares you for the Cambridge First or Advance...
Eliška S. replied:
Years ago I did mine here. It was more expensive but of good quality. http://www.akcent.cz/cz/p/1/uvod.html
Eliška S. replied:
You could also try looking here: http://www.britishcouncil.org/cz/czechrepublic.htm
Jitka R. replied:
Contact Dana Hopkins (facebook) or go for www.englishtraining.cz email: hopkins@englishtraining.cz call: +420 724 515 565. Years of experience, central location, tailored to your needs. Honestly LOOK NO FURTHER! Good luck with your certificate!
Jenni P. replied:
The school I work for runs these courses at a very good price: http://www.oxfordtefl.cz/en/
Adrian M. replied:
i second Jenni's suggestin, good price and an excellent experienced teacher http://www.oxfordtefl.cz/kurzy-anglictiny/
Quime H. replied:
If you would like to study FCE online - http://www.phoneboxlanguage.com
can anyone tell me what kind of exam is neccesary to pass in order to get permanent residence? Is there any example online? Do you know any efficiant and not so...
Veronika L. replied:
take a look here Milica and see if has any useful information check-your-czech.com/?p=uvodni-informace&hl=en_US
Veronika L. replied:
Milica - take a look here - PERMANENT RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR A FAMILY MEMBER OF AN EU CITIZEN – NON-EU CITIZEN http://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/article/eu-citizens-and-their-family-members-permanent-residence.aspx?q=Y2 hudW09Mg%3 d%3 d
Jennie Z. replied:
I also need to start studying for this exam. Has anyone taken courses here: http://www.czechcourses.cz ?
Diana M. replied:
http://www.mvcr.cz/mvcren/article/third-country-nationals-permanent-residence.aspx here you will find most of the info needed... sto se tice uvjerenja o nekaznjavanju, to ce ti trebati iz maticne zemlje (a u Srbiji to moze potrajati i 3-4 nedelje, obzirom da idu bozici i ostali praznici, preporucujem da podneses zahtjev odmah :)
Julie F. replied:
http://check-your-czech.com/index.php?hl=en_US this site has all the info you need to practice and sign up for the test
Christopher A. replied:
Here is an official test exam: http://cestina-pro-cizince.cz/?p=zkouska-nanecisto&hl=cs_CZ
Christopher A. replied:
And as always i recomend cicpraha: http://www.cicpraha.org/cs/cestina-pro-cizince/podzim-2013-zari-prosinec/npk-otevreny-tematicky-kurz.html
Hello, long-term expat here who (shamefully) needs to improve his Czech. Any suggestions for reliably good Czech language schools/teachers? I would like to start in...
Ingrid B. replied:
Im trying with cic.org courses start in January and they are good or that´s what people around says. I sent a message to the language forum in Expat and people answered back about home tutoring and got some replays, but they are a bit more expensive. Depends on what you want to spend and how much time you got to learn
Crystal T. replied:
Here is the website: http://www.cicpraha.org/en/cestina-pro-cizince/aktualni-prehled-kurzu.html I think the new session starts 14 January...
McCaffrey D. replied:
If you like I can send you an offer of our school, we have served some other crowdsaucers well, so you may ask references here too. I will need you email to send the offer to, so just drop me a line at info@thevilla.cz and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Josefine H. replied:
Jana http://jana.harperova.sweb.cz/ is a good teacher ...
Recommendations for a czech language school in Prague?
Vojtěch H. replied:
Hany Bany restaurant at Staroměstská, you can definitely learn many languages there ;) its always better to find a private teacher than language school IMHO
Sarah M. replied:
www.czlt.cz - Never had a bad teacher!
Susan O. replied:
The Center for Integration of Foreigners offers inexpensive drop-in classes (50-100 Kc / lessons and you pay the teacher directly) as well as on-going classes. http://www.cicpraha.org/en/cestina-pro-cizince/kurzy-cestiny-jarni-semestr-2015/intenzivni-kurzy-cestiny.html
Susan O. replied:
Jeff Goodhall has recommended www.milujenglish.cz/adults/ - 80 kc per lesson.
Looking to improve my Dutch! Does anyone know of a language school that offers Dutch lessons ? I have yet to find one. Or maybe there is a Dutch person in Prague that...
Jose L. replied:
Here's something, in the meantime: http://www.dutchforyou.net/en/
McCaffrey D. replied:
I run a small school in Prague 10 - Vinohrady and we do have a teacher. She's gone to Holland for the autumn break but will be back soon, so if you are still looking, send me a pm or contact me via info@thevilla.cz
Can anyone recommend a reputable intensive Czech language school?
Anthony L. replied:
UJOP at Albertov, without question the best if you can afford the time and money for intensive study: http://ujop.cuni.cz/strediska/kurzy/praha-albertov
McCaffrey D. replied:
I just pm you - look for it in your "others" folder though. Also, we are soon opening a course that is focused on the language that teachers may find useful in their day to day life. The offer is also pinned in the https://www.facebook.com/groups/149701978476738/ group, if you want to have a look.
Will R. replied:
http://ujop.cuni.cz/strediska/kurzy/praha-albertov seconded. They have a good process for putting you in the right group for your level and have a bunch of different courses at different times of the day.
Any recommendations for language schools for taking intermediate French classes once a week? I was looking at the French institute but they only seem to have classes...
Susan O. replied:
Christophe Mattern was recommended to me, but I haven't been able to take any classes with him yet. He speaks English.:) http://www.nauctesefrancouzsky.cz/
Augustine C. replied:
Caroline Von Dufva the classes will start on September 11 th https://www.facebook.com/SuperbLearning/photos/a.462767243757290.107905.462698633764151/1714853871881948/?type=3&theater
Looking for a good and not too expensive language school / courses / private tutor for learning German, taught in English language. Preferably in the city center or...
Yunis S. replied:
Goethe Institut
Yunis S. replied:
Tala M. replied:
I second Goethe Institut. The courses are simply amazing, in my opinion. And no, they do not teach in English, but you will find that you will not need English at any rate. The way it's done is not through the usual approach where you're told about grammar and how to use it, but it's rather more organic, so you acquire entire chunks of language at once, including grammar, vocab, and context. It's the best way, because it's the way your brain is designed to acquire language. I don't think you learned to speak Russian with the help of another language when you were a child:D Follow the same concept - it's golden.
Dennis K. replied:
As an addition to a German teacher, you can use Duolingo: https://www.duolingo.com/course/de/en/Learn-German-Online