Hi, I am a new arrival in Prague from the UK. I need some tyres for a Ford Ka. Can anyone recommend a tyre place in Prague? Also I am pretty addicted to Hummus, does...
Jindrich K. replied:
For tyres, try http://www.janpet.cz you may say i recommend you. Also, hummus is served at El Emir
Pippi M. replied:
I am new as well and I ate a nice hummus at mamacoffee http://www.mamacoffee.cz/kavarny/partner/praha
Michael P. replied:
I recommend for hummus: Map of OLIVE Křižíkova OLIVE Křižíkova Restaurace Křižíkova 44, 186 00 Praha 8-Karlín 777 722 631
Ja C. replied:
or even try this - map and addresses by districts :-) http://www.ilovehummus.cz/mapa-prodejen-praha.htm
Next question: I need to get new all weather tires for my volvo xc90. Years ago, my husband ordered them on-line, the delivered them a couple of days later and they...
Marco D. replied:
Laus S. replied:
Could be this company? https://www.nejlevnejsipneu.cz/cz/info.php
Summer/winter tire questions:
Recommendations for where to buy summer tires?
Suggestions for where/how to store winter tires? We don't have space in our flat.
Jindrich K. replied:
This man will have answers to both your questions. Been doing it for me for years http://www.pneuservisy.cz/petr-holecek
After the experience of getting a flat tyre on Christmas Eve and having only the option of it being towed...
Is there an emergency roadside service? One like AA or AAA,...
Tony E. replied:
I use these people.. https://www.europ-assistance.de/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyrid-5Kj2AIVxxXTCh1UYAiaEAAYASAAEgKeH_D_BwE
I have a long drawn out issue with Peugeot and my new car (3 years old now). I return it to different dealers for other ongoing issues and they say nothing is wrong...
So it is snowing like there's no tomorrow over here. Which means I gotta get my car some winter tires. They're already bought, anyone would know a good pneuservis where...