Check me out on Psychology Today! I am accepting referrals (and insurance!) for my new private practice. Please share if you know someone in MoCo looking for a...
Mental Health Recommendations in DMV It is a new year and a new decade. This year one of my new years resolutions is to have a mental health check and be aware of where...
fullmetaldreamboat replied:
The Ross Center is excellent and has several locations. Have been very happy with them. Also, good for you! Mental health IS health! Took me way too long to understand that.
pennycubed3 replied:
If you need something affordable, check out the James J. Gray Psychotherapy Training Clinic offered through American University. There will likely be a waitlist. The therapists are supervised grad students working toward earning their license. I got to work with a wonderful therapist who helped with a lot of skill-building and CBT exercises. Fyi, the sessions are recorded, but HIPAA still applies (locked cabinets, only seen by certain people, destroyed after they're viewed, etc). Just something to consider. They'll go over all of the details with you at intake.
thisismydcaccount replied:
I know this isn't what you're expecting, but on top of seeing a pro, for better mental health you should also take a walk in the woods once a week. [This ain't just some hippy bullshit]( Edit: Downvotes? I mean, there are literally multiple studies that show it has a positive effect on mental health. I'm not saying this replaces seeing a psychologist, but rather that it is a real and important part of mental health.
alizadk replied:
I see a psychiatrist at [Potomac Psychiatry]( I've been going to them for years, and I'm just doing semiannual meds checks at this point, but I know I have someone if I need a therapist fast.
frumperbell replied:
In MoCo the Jewish Social Services Agency is great and they take insurance.
Since you all were so helpful helping me find a good orthopedic doctor.. I am hoping you have recommendations of a good physical therapy practice/therapist!
Katie S. replied:
Potomac Valley in Olney is good, but I'm sure you could find something closer.
Angela G. replied:
Dr. Kenneth Fine. I liked him a lot!
Steve H. replied:
Definitely Rachel Miller. Jacqueline and I are never wrong.
Lisa S. replied:
Germantown Physical Therapy, where I go, is super. Make sure to see Milo.