I am looking for a referral for an Ojai masseuse for deep all-over massage. Chris Kincade has been an amazing masseuse who I have gone to for over 30 years. Hard to...
Khabir S. replied:
I highly recommend Anat Dagan who has her own office in town. I liked her sensitive touch that always left me deeply relaxed with well massaged muscles.
Summer M. replied:
Francisca B. replied:
Try Britt. She's excellent and will come to your house. Brittanydanyel@gmail.com PS Don't be concerned about my FB photo. We just did a play called Halloween Tales ...
Karina A. replied:
Yeah Tor Tor Bjorn Ahman 805 798 5970 he does incredible deep tissue massages trained by Maori healers and also chants over you with Indigenous Chants...I totally recommend him healed my back from a fracture and my friend's torn ligament in her shoulder.
Robin B. replied:
I am Robin...no website..simply AM. State Certified Massage Therapist...Certified Hypnotherapist..Reiki Master. Have table..will come to you. Have been in practice over 15 years...Peace in your healing. 805 231 1089
Tor Ã. replied:
Hello there Bonnie Tor Bjorn here mentioned above. Qualified in New Zealand for deep tissue Swedish massage. Healed along with the famous Maori Healers from NZ for close to 6 years now. Healing in Ojai for a few more months. If you or any others would like a treatment you can contact me via my website :) Blessings to you and Kia Ora! http://tortahi.wix.com/kiaoramassage/
Dear Lovely Ojai Community!
I am looking for a shared, or private room/apartment in Ojai. I am a 24 yr old female painter, thai massage therapist, and yoga instructor...
Natalie W. replied:
Thank you Liza , how far is it away from downtown Ojai? Can you send me more information about rent and photos? Thanks so much, my email is nwohlstadter@yahoo.com
Does anyone know any mobile manicurist they would recommend? I have a makeup gig in Santa Barbara on the 15th. It will be a fun afternoon of pampering! There are 9...
Jessica K. replied:
Leanna Fern is amazing manicurist.
Nikki B. replied:
I can't get the day off, but Abigail Adams is an awesome manicurist and I'm sure she'd love to help.
I have done 7 hours of deep tissue massage and I think I need a day off...so I can better serve my needs and those who need me. OR...I NEED AN ORTHOPEDIST, A MASSAGE...