I have chronic neck & back pain. Do any of you academics/bureaucrats have any recommendations? Chiropractor? Physio? Osteopath? Acupuncture?
Imperator M. replied:
I started seeing a Rolfer in Vancity. It's changing my ongoing back/neck issues like no RMT/chiro ever has http://tracydixon.ca
girlyratfish replied:
If you get back to Port Alberni anytime soon, Brent Manson is a good Chiro http://alberninaturalhealth.com/
Daniel R. replied:
With Yoga the added benefit is that you can keep thinking about work while emptying your mind. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/university-ottawa-yoga-cultural-sensitivity-1.3330441
Ana N. replied:
haha that should say STRENGTH. improved strength. i like this woman: not too floopy, challenging, free: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcox27Gc-NGbb2-X9hdLaMw
Wanting to try acupuncture and wanting to know who I should go to. Any rave reviews for acupuncturists for back injury? Thanks all in advance :)
Kim N. replied:
Awakening Wellness Center on Fisgard !! Excellent practitioner; one of the best I've been to and they offer Community Accupuncture which your medical will cover for 12 visits ! They are fantastic and their supplements and tinctures; imho,some of the best in the city. All Vedic.
Jean-Paul M. replied:
I have an appointment and will report back tomorrow mid morning Cheers to all the healers, helpers and cynics alike. I had never considered that rock band name too literally before Mr. Coutu! Nice!
Jean-Paul T. replied:
From Kenn's link above, which talks about an Olympic athlete getting her lung punctured by acupuncture (stars are my addition): "Mr. Spurrell, ***who learned the ancient Chinese art on weekends at a local university,*** had no reason to stick the needle in his patient’s chest, and had wrongly advised Ms. Ribble-Orr that the chest pain and other symptoms she reported later were likely just from a muscle spasm, a discipline tribunal ruled." I'm not going to get into the thrust of the rest of the article (that acupuncture doesn't work) because that is a lengthy discussion for a different time.
Mike V. replied:
My wife is an acupuncturist at the Lalli Care Clinic.
Sifu Kit Wong in Chinatown - a combination of massage, chiropractic and acupuncture. Let me know if you would like his contact information.
Veronica H. replied:
Dr MJ Atkins (naturopath at my office). Best needeler I've ever had. IMS works great for some, but not everyone. Micheal Phillips does have a good reputation.
Jennifer emailed--Hi... I'm a hemipelvectomy amutee. I've been an amutee for 18 years. I have very bad phantom pains. I have tried so many things to help. Heating pads,...
Larry G. replied:
farabloc is effective for me without drugs: www.farabloc.com
Frances W. replied:
After trying many things my son tried a small farabloc blanket wrapped around his leg with an ace bandage. They do make sleeves for residual limbs for are three times as expensive. Go to farabloc.com and check it out. It doesn't make his pains go clear away but certainly makes them more tolerable. Unfortunately even the small blanket is expensive but it does have a 30 day return policy if you think it didn't help. A prosthetist in Canada even lines prosthetic sockets with farabloc material to help lesson pain during the day.
Punctured lung in Victoria, BC? *****Edit!!
Thanks for making me laugh Reddit!
I am still alive and not currently suffering a punctured lung. Thanks for the advice...
florapie replied:
What kind of accupuncturist puts a needle in deep enough to puncture a lung? If this actually happened, it warrants a complaint to their regulating body: http://www.ctcma.bc.ca/
Anonymous replied:
Hey guys, I'm having a stroke. Has anyone had any interesting experiences with their stroke? What should I do? Should I callx s doctjur ur shoguldg I wsdit for that brdeast answeatr?
Stevegap replied:
As much as accupuncture is pseudo-science, getting a pneumo is an exceedingly rare side effect. If you are concerned that you suffered such an event, go to the ER. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 dollars.
StephenDrake6 replied:
In first year of university, my room mate came back from the gym, and his breathing was laboured. I was like "meh, idiot probably jogged back or something." After an hour, his breathing was still laboured. I'm like "dude, you gotta cut back on the joints." and he was like "No man, I'm having trouble breathing." and I'm like "shit dude, go to the hospital" and he was like "No man, I'll be fine. It's going away."
So we went to bed, and in the morning, I woke up and found him dead. Nah, just kidding. He was gone. He was having trouble breathing at like 6am, so he woke up and took the first bus to the hospital like the colossal moron he is. Doctors fixed him up, sent him home.
Years and years later I was taking an emergency first aid class and the instructor was like "Oh yeah, a spontaneous pneumothorax is super interesting; it's a condition that predominantly effects or affects (can't remember which) one group - cisgendered white males who are tall, thin, exercise a lot, and have to pay justice pricing." (Nah, that last bit is just a meme joke). I remembered my room mate, struggling to breath, and laughed until I sobbed.
Anyways, I was thinking if you wanted to sue, just get a conveniently timed spontaneous pneumothorax, then go get acupuncture while it's still in effect. Or affect. It'll probably kill you, but you'd get to sue.
nrtphotos replied:
Well, that's terrifying.
tyhooker replied:
"Hmmmm. Doctor? Reddit? Doctor? Reddit? Doctor? Reddit?... Ya. Imma ask my local subreddit." Assuming you haven't gone to the hospital. If you haven't yet, please do.
Does anyone know who I could contact with some questions regarding the Diploma of Acupuncture course? I've sent a few e-mails out to addresses listed on the school's...
Brea S. replied:
Hello Justin! I just searched our admissions email account and I was not able to find any emails from you. If you emailed an administrator it may take 24 hours for a response. However, the best people to contact regarding the Diploma of Acupuncture program is our Admissions Department at admissions@pacificrimcollege.ca. Warm regards to you, Brea.
Anyone out there with knee injuries ever had acupuncture? Im considering but terrified at the thought of someone touching my knee...
Suggestions/advice welcome :)...
Hussam S. replied:
I ve done acupuncture many times before and it was helpful . I strongly suggest to you to go to Dr. Fiona,by far she is the best one . I can send u the address if u want
Eric F. replied:
I've had a few knee injuries and acupuncture is great for inflammation, but doing physio and acupuncture together works really efficiently. Highly recommend Connor Symes or Ross down at Therapeutic Edge.
Amber G. replied:
Shannon McDaniel
Jeremy E. replied:
Acupuncture is wonderful! Liza Chibada in Victoria. She's seriously the best. Basically cured my epilepsy
Bette A. replied:
Lynn Boyetchko boy Levi Alexandre Just went through surgery and some wickked treatment she could tell you about that worked
Lynn B. replied:
Yes, as Bette Highfill Ali has said, Levi had his third knee surgery before 15...this last one was to shave a bit of rough bone and remove scar tissue...He has seen an excellent chiro in Nanaimo and had six treatments of Laser therapy (Lightforce) Completely painless and short sessions...speeds up the body's natural healing process on a cellular level and helps break up scar tissue. Go to Lightforce laser website to read more. Worked like a charm for him. He was still experiencing locking in his knee and minimal mobility and within two sessions...he was right back to dance!