Looking for a pediatrician and VBAC friendly dr and hospital referrals for moving back to Lawton. These dr's will have some big shoes to fill.
Who should I transfer...
Susan C. replied:
Dr. Jones at Southwestern is only one I have heard that might do VBAC. I had a friend that was supposed to do VBAC with him but she was having to go through a lot like getting paperwork and stuff but ended up moving to Tulsa before she delivered.
Susan C. replied:
Carly Caldwell you use Dr. Jones right and are planning a VBAC? Maybe you can help my friend that is moving here. Thanks
Amanda M. replied:
I used Dr Kern for both my kiddos. I couldn't say enough good things about him. And at every appt he brought an u/s machine in and did a bedside ultrasound to check on the baby.
Amber K. replied:
Dr Jones office has sonogram in his office. Also know of someone he was going to let do vbac. He was my dr when I had Riggs and I Loved him
Susan C. replied:
I love Dr. Gregory Joslin at memorial!
Tara S. replied:
I found this. http://www.oklahomabirthnetwork.com/oklahoma_cesarean_vbac.html
Carrie G. replied:
Your expecting too much for lawton !! Lol you might be able to find a dr in OKC who will attempt a VBAC but good luck! Why did you have to have a csection the first time? And I like your use of the "crunchy mom group" lol ! Message my friend Stacee Smiddy she's a womens health NP she's a good resource for helping you find a Dr who might VBAC