Can anyone recommend a good pest control/exterminator here in town? We've been living in the same house in Clintonville for the past 10 years and all of a sudden we've...
insanewriters replied:
I have service through Greenix. It's $99 every three months and they'll come out for free in between treatments if you are still having problems.
BZArcher replied:
We had Varment Guard heat treat our stuff for Bed Bugs, but ended up having a re-occurrence recently, so we got Orkin in to do chemical treatment as an alternative. I've been very pleased with the job Orkin has done.
oesjmr replied:
Try Ohio Exterminators. They did our house for spiders and ants a couple of years ago and we haven't had a problem since!
mikeytreehorn replied:
Been travelling? Been to anyone else's house lately? Someone visited you? Bringing furniture into the house is not the only way to get bed bugs.
Anonymous replied:
alawrence37 replied:
I've heard of a company that does extermination in Toronto ( Maybe give them a call.
bills8091 replied:
That does not sound fun. I had an infestation of mice myself. My friend told me to look into mice pest control in Utah.
earljudds replied:
I had a problem with flees. I called pest control in NJ and they took care of it. Good luck Earl Judds
earljudds replied:
I hate beg buds. Our house was infested with them and I had to call pest management in Vancouver. They got rid of them for us. Good luck to you! Earl Judds
bills8091 replied:
That does not sound fun. I had an infestation of mice myself. My friend told me to look into mice pest control in Utah.
We have a serious carpenter bee problem. They are drilling holes in the outside of our home. We tried a few solutions but they are still active. Any recommendations on a...
Natalie H. replied:
Oh, the Critter Control guy happened to mention they use this powder called Tempo to kill them off, then a few days later they seal up the hole. I found this online with lots of comments about carpenter bees:
Joan M. replied:
Stryker Pest Control is great. I highly recommend them for any pest problem. Good luck.
Herbert B. replied:
I don't know why this needs to be said, but it is generally not advisable to saturate the walls of your habitat with highly flammable solvents.
Has anyone ever had trouble with pantry moths? I have all my food in sealed containers and cannot figure out where they are coming from. We have been dealing with them...
Susan B. replied:
Go to Worked for me. Grose, but it works
Stephanie R. replied:
Check out this website....their product gets good reviews
I need a recommendation for a good exterminator to get rid of wasps...TIA!
Kyle W. replied:
stryker pest control. we had nests in the linning of our roof when we bought our house. he came out and they were gone very quickly.