Any recommendations for a good home inspector in the Huntsville area? Any and all advice would be appreciated! Thanks!
Tom T. replied:
I'm assuming you're looking for one in the Huntsville area, these guys down here would charge you an arm and a leg to drive that distance. Are you working with a Realtor? Not always necessary but normally best. Any local Realtor should be able to recommend one although most of us are leery of them for their whole purpose in life is to make a mansion appear ready to fall down. Regardless of whether you're buying thru a Realtor or on your own from a "For Sale By Owner," as far as price, do your comps. As you are doing, do a Professional Home Inspection, if on a septic tank instead of a sewer, do a septic inspection. Do a wood infestation report and normally you should do a termite bond, be sure and shop that and weigh the difference in re-treat and re-placement contract. Pro. Ho. Insps. are always going to find something so they can come back and pick up an easy extra $100.00. I have never had one inspect a gas furnace but what they come back and say "crack in chamber" and 9 times out of 10 it isn't a crack but a hairline fracture that could possibly have occurred the very first time it was fired and is in no danger of emitting carbon monoxide. Many good gas furnaces have been replaced at a cost of $3,000.00 when there was absolutely nothing wrong with the existing one. Heating?Air Conditioning and termite inspections are two areas where vultures about and some unethical Pro. Ho. Insps. no doubt get kick backs from the ones they throw business to. Also be sure and get "Owners Title Insurance" in addition to "Mortgage Title Ins. (MI will be required if you're doing a mortgage)" for on top of MI, OI is only something like $75.00 additional and OI pays you your equity whereas MI only takes care of the balance owed Mortgagee. Your Title Co. will ask if you would like the "Enhanced Policy," don't get that as it's extra cost to you and nothing but profit for them as they are totally responsible anyway. In doing your mortgage, do the numbers, but do everything possible to avoid "PMI, or Private Mortgage Insurance," which is the biggest rip off from our gov. and banks ever designed. On FHA and USDA loans it is charged for the life of the loan and is absolutely nothing but a usury expense to you. I know 5% is a lot to come up with to do a conventional loan but at least when you have 20% equity the PMI comes off. According the amount of the loan on gov. backed loans where you do pay PMI for the life of the loan, on an average your cost will be in the vicinity of $36,000.00 if you live there for 30 yrs. Additionally, conventional loans are normally at a better interest rate. On a $150,000.00 mortgage a savings of 1/2% on the rate equals $43.91 per mo. savings, or $15,807,60 over the life of the loan. If you have any questions of if I can help you in any way my number is 205-454-3153
Anne R. replied:
Philip Fraley with Amerispec. He has been in business for a long time and he does a thorough job. He came highly recommended from my parents and our realtor. He is based in Huntsville.
Johnny Frazier, Home Inspector and Terry Maples, Vinyl Siding are SUPER HERO'S in my book! Lewis & Son's wanted to sell me a new roof (12K+) and Jonny said mine should...
Dawn M. replied:
Terry Maples is one of the most honest great guys I know.
Michelle W. replied:
I already knew about Johnny, but I'll definitely keep Terry Maples in mind for Vinyl Siding if the need arises.:)
Robyn L. replied:
Jimbo, call Terry Maples. He is one of the hardest working, honest men that I know! He has taken care of several houses for me and is always dependable.