ISO Anyone with an active Lacto Brevis culture I can grab a small sample from? Cannot find locally, MoreBeer is out of stock and NorthernBrewer wants $15 + shipping,...
Scott T. replied:
Lacto Pantycillus
Andy K. replied:
I believe BrotherMalcolm Frazer has some.
Scott T. replied:
Anthony Rowsick You prob cant get any in, right? (Saw WYeast it's out of season) If I can't culture from Malcolm's panties, has anyone had experience with The Yeast Bay? ( Looks like they define cultures and have WL scale them up. Also quite interested in their 3Fonteinen brett (Beersel Brett)
So, do any of you have recommendations for breweries or bars in either Sydney or Melbourne, Australia? I'm shipping out tomorrow and somehow only just thought to ask....
Ionakana W. replied:
He recommends Wayward Brewing in Sydney. They opened after he left but he has a good friend working there. He never made it to Melbourne. There was a local brewery in Mudgee where he lived. That's about a 3.5 hr drive from Sydney north-west-ish that he also recommends if you don't mind the travel to get there.
Last little girl left, princess Peanut! Akc registered English Bulldog. She is 3 months old, has all shots up to date, been vet checked. Peanut is 90% housebroken and is...
Anybody need some center caps from a 2003 Town Car? I have 7 of them. All of them have good clips and were from my car and were still tight when I took them off. 4...
I've used these sunglasses for a few weeks now. Fit perfectly, I have an average sized head. The price($25) was reasonable and the shipping was fast too. Awesome pair of...