Looking for a Home Inspector With Solid History and Experience I'm looking for a home inspector that has experience with new home construction (phased inspections) and...
DFWTooThrowed replied:
Who the fuck is always downvoting these general question threads? Honestly who looks at these kinds of posts and gets butthurt enough to downvote it?
Anonymous replied:
Four Corners Home Inspection - https://www.fourcornersinspections.com/ - Bryan Moore - (469) 247-6955 We have been using his service for almost 6 yrs. he has inspected 7 of our properties (single family homes and condos). He is excellent and very detailed. My friends have also used his services for their newly built homes. They were very happy with his report and his findings. The price range you have mentioned is accurate.
bojangles09 replied:
This is who I used to inspect my home, but it was not new construction. That said, he was extremely thorough and I highly recommend Heath if he can help you. Heath Hayes with Anchor Inspection Group - 972-655-9601 - Heath@AnchornspectionGroup.com I have also heard that green scene is very good, for whatever it is worth.
Any of you guys know or recommend a home inspector?
Mario M. replied:
1 (972) 416-6081 dean hosier
Rachel W. replied:
Burgess Inspection Group, Johnny Gorden. Jgorden@burgess-inc.com, burgessinspection.com, 214-274-2627. What's up...I know a great Realtor if you need one. ; )