Hello. I am looking for a reputable OBGYN through Cigna. Any recommendations? PAMF Los Gatos is one of the hospitals I am considering,but it doesn't have to be that one....
Stacy J. replied:
Zena Levine. She's been mine for years. Not sure if she is under your medical plan but worth checking out
Mary M. replied:
I have Cigna and use Linda Teagle in Los Gatos. Ii've referred others who also like her a lot. She's affiliated with El Camino Los Gatos and Good Sam.
Monica E. replied:
Dr Faryno on Forest is also great!
Louise J. replied:
Los Olivos OB/Gyn group on National Avenue near Good Samaritan. Lot os great doctors. Dr. Kunzel was my key foundation as I was diagnosed with breast canCer. Last day of radiation was yesterday.
Natalie L. replied:
I second Linda Teagle
Raven S. replied:
This is who I use. They have been fantastic! http://www.aboveparrwomen.com
Carol B. replied:
Dr. Reimnitz at Los Olivos is wonderful.
Christina K. replied:
Los Olivos is amazing. I go to Dr. Imig but have seen numerous other doctors there and they are all wonderful. They just joined Stanford Healthcare so I am sure they take most insurances.
Janice G. replied:
YES on Los Olivos! I just started with Dr. Kunzel last year after my doctor retired and referred me to her. I love that place!
Janice G. replied:
And for mammograms, right next door is Dr. Dipa Patel who I highly recommend!! http://ebreastimaging.com/Our_Physicians.html
Hey can anyone recommend a great internist or primary Dr. Not Kaiser Drs. in the South Bay Area ? Also a OB/GYN . I Have new insurance and need to find some good Drs now.
Diana C. replied:
Go to the website. I think it's myuhc.com
Vanessa P. replied:
I have the best obgyn. She's been my doctor for 7 years. Amazing. Dr Faryno. She's across from O'Connor hospital. I had her recommended to me all those years ago, and am happy I chose her.
Lisa J. replied:
Dr Cherlin for Internest. He's in Los Gatos. I see him for Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and other thyroid issues.
FB friends can anyone recommend a good family practice or a good gyno that is with blue cross/ blue shield insurance. I need to go see someone about my stupid migraines...
Deborah C. replied:
The headache doctor in Campbell. They specialize in migraines and take most insurance. http://www.theheadachedoctor.com/
James L. replied:
Check Walter Newman on Santa Teresa at Realm. Everyone I know raves about him. He's a member of Golden Rule #479.
Help! I need good recommendations for an OBGYN, pediatric, and regular family doctor for KAISER SANTA TERESA. Thanks!
Crystal B. replied:
Peds, Calvin Gordon. Obgyn, anamalai... I forgot her first name.. Starts with an A. Lol. Medicine doc., Nguyen. I'd have to look up his first name lol.
Jennifer C. replied:
For the pediatrician I highly recommend Dr. Pai, she is the best. My OBGYN is Dr. Hadid and he is wonderful, if you do notm ind a male doctor for that.
Liz M. replied:
Cynthia Lu is also really great too:)
Tara C. replied:
Dr. Slade!!!!!!! I LOVE her!!!!!!!!
Tara C. replied:
Dr. Slade is my OB-GYN ... sorry forgot to say that. Also for my regular Doctor, I have Dr. Alexandria Tran-Perez. She is GREAT!
Jennifer S. replied:
Dr Frank is a really good pediatrician!
Crystal B. replied:
Akila annamalai, Nicolas Nguyen. Dr Gordon is the peds chief. He was my peds and he's my kids peds dr now. He's awesome:))) good luck!
Janet D. replied:
I have gone to Dr. Slade she is great!!! Wish I still had kaiser:(
Jessica P. replied:
For pedi- Calvin Gordon he is the assistant physician in chief and absolutely amazing! For primary care- Alec Uy, Edan Wernik, or Melissa Liu. I've worked with all of them personally, they are all amazing doctors and great people.
Amanda B. replied:
Brooklyn has Dr. Frank, she is a bit quirky but very good.
Bay Area folks. Need doctor recommendations
General doc
Dentist (pediatric and adult)
Thanks! Btw, we do not have...
Teresa P. replied:
Ob/Gyn - Dr. Kristine Borrison Los Gatos, Los Olivios Medical Group
Teresa P. replied:
Dentist - Dr. Landeras (Cerulean Dental Spa) Santa Clara, ca
Teresa P. replied:
Optometrist- DrNgo at Union Optometry (she's real good and very nice) Hope that helps!!:)
Monica D. replied:
Dr. Paul Andrade by O'Connor is a great Pedi. And my old man, Dr. Dittrich is still practicing gen dentistry in Cupertino.
Van R. replied:
Dr. Zena Levine in Los Gatos (Ob/Gyn) She's the best! I was with her for years! Stanford grad. Dr. Barr was a great dentist in SJ on Forrest (immediately across the street from Valley Fair) He is a great dentist and is very gentle.
Need Kaiser recommendations for San Jose or Campbell location.
Thank you:
Obgyn (female)
Dermatologist (female)
Primary Care (female)
Pediatrician (male)
Meghan G. replied:
OB: Dr. Cato in Campbell. She is THE best.
Nina G. replied:
San Jose location- Suzanne Yokoyama is my general and Patti Abertson for Ob/Gyn.
Debi S. replied:
Patti Albertson is fantastic! My whole family sees Dr.Patel for general/pediatric. She's the best. Like chatting with your girlfriend . Marlon likes her/Dante's been fine too. Savi still sees Dr.Khaneje in peds on occasion (also female tho)
To my female friends in San Jose...any OBGYN recommendations? Its impossible to get an appointment with my current one :(
Vittoria D. replied:
Oh no! Are you still with Dr. Kendrick? I miss her. Mine is great, but he's not in San Jose. His name is Hector Medina and I adore him.
Chris D. replied:
Diana Aung or Charlene Reimnitz (separate practices). Love them both...good luck!
Karen S. replied:
Dr. Jennifer Conwell at Los Olivos Group is awesome! I had to switch recently when my previous OBGYN left the practice & I'm super happy with her. Good luck w/ your search:)